Monday, September 24, 2007

From Little Rock 9 to Jena 6: 50 Years & Still Struggling

Exactly 50 years ago nine black students had to be escorted into Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas by U.S. Army troops. Mobs beat them and spit on them. One little girl even got stabbed and had acid thrown into her eyes.

These students and many others across the nation risked their lives to gain access to a quality education. Today, Arkansas and the entire nation celebrate the contribution of the Little Rock 9 to progress in this country. However, after all their effort and risk, have we gained true equal access after over 50 years of fighting?

Terrance Roberts, one of the Little Rock 9, said to the Associated Press, “This country has demonstrated over time that it is not prepared to operate as an integrated society.”

Considering what happened to the Jena 6, it seems Roberts may be right. It is ironic and sickening that comparisons can be made between these two situations that are separated by five decades and a couple of generations. The Little Rock 9 had to have civil rights organizations and the federal government intervene. Then when they got into the school, they had to endure violent racist threats and acts against them. When they reacted, the black students got punished while the white students got nothing. These students were thrust into the media spotlight. Isn’t it amazing that the students in Jena had to deal with these very same issues?

So was it all in vain? Did we lose the fight? No. The fight for access was won in many ways. However, our mistake has been to stop at legal access. Just sitting next to white students in the classroom or being in the same building does not ensure a quality education for all students. Educational success will come when our students know they have every right to sit in any public school classroom, the ability to succeed in any situation and the discipline and strength to do what it takes to excel. Fifty years ago our students and the system they entered believed good education was reserved for whites. That lie still lingers today. We have to open our students’ minds and expand their horizons to the truth.

Roberts was all too correct when he said we are not prepared. We must now come together to prepare our students to succeed in any educational environment. We must prepare them to hold themselves to high expectations. We must prepare each to reach his or her own God-given potential.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Saving Our Kids from the System By Faith and Work

The Jena 6 case, O.J. being back in the news, the recent Michael Vick issue, and all the recent protests and marches have certainly got me thinking about justice and how race plays a part in our legal system. I’ve been most especially considering our children in all this. How our children so often end up on the wrong side and how their race plays a part. Unfortunately, those who are introduced to the system as kids often remain a part of it as adults.

I’m not one who likes to spend my time and energy pointing out problems, crying and complaining over them. My philosophy is if you aren’t going to look for solutions and actively pursue them, shut up.

So what should we do? The first thing we should do is work on ourselves. We spend so much time trying to convince other people that the system is not fair. Why don’t we apply our activities, resources and attention to ourselves and our children? In other words, instead of protesting the system when one of our children is caught up in it, let’s keep our children out of the system.

There are several recent cases where a child (sometimes one with lots of potential) makes a mistake, gets caught up in the system and has his or her life ruined. Sometimes the consequences are completely unfair. Many times the whole situation could have been simply prevented. Here are some examples:

Marcus Dixon- This Georgia student with a 3.96 average and a scholarship to Vanderbilt University was convicted of statutory rape and sentenced to 10 years in prison because he had sex with a girl 2 years younger than he was.

Genarlow Wilson- This Georgia student with a 3.2 average participated in sex act with a 15-year-old when he was 17. He got the same sentence as Marcus.

Deseree Watsun- This six-year-old Florida girl was taken away in handcuffs because she had a temper tantrum at school.

All unfair but preventable. Just like these cases, much of our problem with the system can be solved by prevention. The first solution is a spiritual. Our children’s moral center needs to be strengthened. They need to discover a sense of purpose through God. Their sense of purpose will help them make appropriate and moral decisions. Second, we need to come together to educate our children. Poor education is a direct line to the criminal justice system. Third, we need to nurture our children. We must let them know that we love them, support them and believe in them. We must also model good decision-making. Finally, we must discipline our children. If we don’t, the justice system will. We failed Marcus, Genarlow and Deseree. Somebody should have had a talk with Marcus before he got into this situation. Marcus’ case happened just a couple of years prior to Genarlow’s in the same state. Genarlow should have seen what happened to Marcus and should have known better. Somebody should have taught him. Deseree needed some home discipline before she had to get it at school and finally in jail. Not just their parents should have been there, but their neighbors, their teachers and any other adults in their lives. We as adults have to come together and stop pointing the finger at others. We have to point the finger at ourselves and work on solutions. Some might say I’m blaming the victim instead of the system. No. What I’m saying is we need to stop being the victim and take control of our own destiny.

The Jena Six: A Case Worth Talking About

It is wonderful news that a Louisiana state court of appeals decided to overturn the conviction of Mychal Bell, one of the so-called “Jena 6.” But are we really victorious?

The Jena 6 case illuminates the racism in the U.S. criminal justice system. It is a sad example of how this racism can detrimentally affect our children.

Six black teenagers in the predominantly white town of Jena, Louisiana were charged as adults when they got into a fight with white teens. The white teens were not charged. It is also important to note that this fight came during a time of heated racial conflict at Jena High School.

The tensions began when black students sat under a tree that was supposedly off-limits to blacks. Next, three white students hung nooses under the tree. Of course, blacks saw this as a threat. However, the school district dismissed this act as an “adolescent prank.” Black students and parents reacted in anger to the decision. The protests, however, were only followed with attacks of black students by white students. (The white students were not charged).Then there were counter attacks by black students. (The black students were charged with attempted murder.)

The unfairness in the excessive charges against these six teenagers (including second degree murder) was obvious. Civil rights groups organized a protest that was to take place this Thursday (when Bell was supposed to be sentenced to 15 years in prison). To avoid the media attention, the appeals court quickly acted on an emergency defense appeal and vacated the conviction.

This is an example of the racism that still exists. Black people know it still exists. White people often deny it and say blacks are too sensitive or paranoid. They might even dismiss this as an isolated case. So what do we do? Do we keep arguing and trying to prove racism exists, that the justice system is not just when it comes to black people? Do we complain about it, protest it, cry over it, hold meetings and open forums to discuss it? Do we wait until something like this happens and then get all the usuals to run to the scene singing “We shall over come,” carrying signs? Or do we proactively change the system, and better yet, do all that we can to keep ourselves and our kids out of the system?

Hating O.J. Simpson (or Just Hate)?

Why is O.J Simpson still in the news 13 years later? Racism.

Most blacks know there is racism in the American society and the U.S. criminal justice system (even if just intuitively). Whites deny it, get defensive and say blacks need to stop “playing the race card.”

I don’t think most black people were big O.J. fans (I sure wasn’t) at the time of all the media hoopla in ‘94 and ‘95. The support displayed during that time was a reaction to a system blacks knew was flawed and could be very racist. Blacks did what we do too often. React when an event occurs. Come out in full force, signs and all. Then forget all about it until the next event.

Blacks are over O.J. So why is he still in the news? Somebody is still holding on to it. The media know there is still passion about this case. They know white people hate O.J. or at least something he represents. So when O.J. tried to publish his crazy “hypothetical” book and then got arrested again, the media jumped all over it.

If it is not racism or bias, why is this case so inciteful and not others? Why is there such interest in it? They might argue it’s because he is a celebrity. Well, Robert Blake (from Baretta) got off for murdering his wife. Then, just like O.J., Blake was found liable in a civil case and ordered to pay restitution. Just like O.J., he is finding every way possible not to pay it. Nobody cares. The case was minimally covered in the media. Most people probably don’t even know what ended up happening with it.

Now Phil Specter, a famous music producer who worked with the Beatles, Tina Turner, the Righteous Brothers and others, is on trial for killing an actress. I’ve seen O.J. on every news show this week because the Goldman’s have decided to publish his book. Specter’s trial is going on right now. Nobody cares.

I’m not implying that Simpson is some victim of racism who got a bad rap. I think, to put it in Big Mama speak, he needs to go somewhere and sit down. I’m saying the attention that is being paid to this case when there are plenty of injustice cases we need to focus on, is a reflection of racist attitudes. Those who are focusing on it (besides the Browns and the Goldmans who this case immediately affects) need to ask themselves why it is important to them.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Time to Wake Up

Black folks have been striving for the perpetual dream deferred for so long that we don't know how to appreciate or utilize a potential dream come true. I really believe Barack Obama is a potential dream come true.

I started shifting in my sleep when I first heard him speak and discerned an authenticity in him that I hadn't seen in any other politicians. Then when I read his book, my eyes came wide open.

When Obama announced his candidacy, I just knew if he could count on anybody, it would be African Americans. Then I noticed so-called African American leaders were silent about this brother (still sleeping). Later, there was an even harsher reality in the polls. Obama is struggling to catch Hilary Clinton when it comes to black support. What?!? Comatose.

So I've been contemplating what's going on with us. It's refreshing to hear others are outraged over this issue too. Even the mainstream media is perplexed. I have come to a couple of grim conclusions. First, so-called African American leaders (Jesse Jackson, Tavis Smiley, Al Sharpton) make their living off of the struggle. So when the struggle is over, they won't have jobs. They can't hold their conferences and lavish conventions, sell their books, or get all those speaking engagements. Therefore, even though Obama's success would certainly not end the struggle, it will represent a huge victory that none of them have been able to achieve. Second, some of our people need to deal with their slave mentality issues. To say that Barack Obama (a man who has been a fully invested activist in the African American community for nearly two decades) is not black enough to gain our support for his presidential bid, but Bill Clinton (the man who helped to roll back all sorts of programs that impacted the black community) is the first black president is completely beyond my understanding. It reflects so many aspects of black low self-esteem and self hatred that I won't even attempt to analyze it in this blog.

I just encourage all of us to work on us, so that we can believe in us, so we can finally live the dreams of our ancestors.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Strangers & Pilgrims

They can’t vote. They are often uneducated. They have no civil rights. They are stuck in a subculture of poverty and substandard living where they work long hours but all the benefits go to someone else. This sounds like the conditions of African Americans not long ago. It sounds like something we protested against during the civil rights movement. Something our kids are supposed to read about in history class (but often they don’t and don’t even have a clue how blessed they are.) However, these conditions exist right now. I’m not talking about some “Third World” country either. People live like this in the great old US of A.

One might think that African Americans would feel some sense of unity and brotherhood, with Mexican and other immigrants, who are exploited and oppressed as we once were. However, I often hear the opposite sentiments. I hear, “They need to go back to where they come from,” or “Why don’t they learn to speak the language,” or “They just come over here and take advantage of the rights we fought for.” I’ve even heard people complain about how Hispanics are becoming the biggest minority group in Florida and other places. Who would fight over the position of “minority” anyway?

With recent issues and proposed immigration legislation, there has been much debate over immigration, both legal and illegal. Congress just tried and failed to pass an immigration reform bill. Mexicans marched and sang freedom songs just like blacks did in the 60s. That stirred up Americans who counter-protested and sent letters, faxes and e-mails to their congressmen. African Americans mostly joined attacks against the perceived foreign invaders. Of course with politicians seeking to remain in office, the public outcry caused them to back off the bill for amnesty. Now there is no solution for our immigration problem and Mexican and other immigrants must continue to live as modern day slaves.

Many don’t see the common bond between black and brown people. In fact, the situation often puts us in competition. Those against immigration reform or amnesty say that allowing immigrants into our country will take jobs away from Americans. This will more likely affect poorer people. Also, loosening restrictions on immigration will drive down the wages for poorer people because Mexican workers will often work for less.

However, those who are for amnesty say immigration reform will actually do more to increase the wages for Mexican immigrants and help alleviate the conditions of poverty. Also, they say we can’t stop them from coming. Therefore, it would be in our best interest to at least document them so that we will know who is here (especially with terrorist threats to our homeland security).

Mexicans risk being shot, starving to death, hypothermia, being attacked by animals and all kinds of other dangers in their pursuit of the American dream. So why are the Mexicans risking their lives to get here anyway? They do it for the same reason immigrants did it in the early part of this century. They want a better life.

Many say, however, that this is not our problem. They say it is not our responsibility to solve the problems of Mexico and risk our own wealth and happiness. But is it? Often, so called “First World” developed countries gained their wealth on the backs of “Third World” laborers. America did it during slavery on black backs. They did it during the American expansion of the late 19th and early 20th centuries on yellow and brown backs. Now they continue to do it on Mexican backs. Now, as Malcolm X said, the chickens are coming home to roost. The third world wants their share of the benefits they have worked to provide for the first world.

In 1994, President Clinton negotiated the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Mexico and Canada. This agreement eliminated tariffs on products sold among these countries, encouraged privatization of state-run businesses, and relaxed environmental and labor standards. Ultimately, it meant America could go into these countries and sell products, get cheap labor, and make a lot of money. It was supposed to benefit the poorer countries by giving them greater access to foreign capital, goods and consumers. It did benefit some people. Mostly the rich in these countries got richer, while the poor lost their farm jobs and had to go and work in factories. NAFTA ended up destroying hundreds of thousands of agricultural jobs in Mexico and the price of Mexican goods such as corn plummeted. Then their alternative was to become street vendors or go and work in factories called maquiladoras. In these maquiladoras, they work long hours and barely get paid. They are often abused and exploited by oppressive and brutal overseers, especially women. Sounds like slavery to me. The irony is that the money made in these deplorable places comes right back to the U.S.

So as poverty persists in Mexico, Mexicans look to el Norte. But they come over here and have no rights because they are not citizens.

So what is our obligation? Our responsibility is to be fair. We owe it to our ancestors and ourselves to pursue justice. It is in our best interest as a country. It may seem like selfishness and self-centeredness is more profitable. But in the end, arrogance and pride will bring about a downfall. It is a fact of history. We see the signs. The world now looks at America with contempt. We can change this by shifting our value focus from getting more things to doing what is right. If we do this, we will be blessed. If we don’t, we have been warned time and again. And justice won’t always sleep.

Monday, June 18, 2007

My Brother, My Brother

The last bastion of slavery in America is that which binds the black man’s mind and spirit. He is bound by images that falsely define him. Images of the thug, the convict, and the deadbeat dad. He is locked in the role of the performer who coons, shucks, jives and dances for money. If he wants to be something, he must be the athlete who can only throw, bounce or hit a ball. If he doesn’t make it in athletics or entertainment, he becomes the angry and scary brute that makes white women clutch their purses, lock their car doors, and gather their children close. Worse yet, he is the oversexed stallion who makes babies with multiple women and then leaves them for the welfare system to take care of.

He is bound by the demands of corporate America and the women in his life. Demands for him to just play ball and not think too much. Or he must sing or dance or rap. If he can do these things, he might be able to make a little money for himself while making a load of money for other people. He is a chattel, just like an ox or a workhorse, locked in a yoke, trained, driven and forced to provide, protect, do what somebody else says he must do. He is trapped and caught in a frustrating fix by a situation that expects so much but prepares him for so little.

But what does he want? What does he need? What is he passionate about? What does he seek for his own soul? In all the tug of war going on for the black man, he never has the chance to think about that. He is put on the auction block and before he knows it, he is sold to the highest bidder. His mama. His wife. His boys. His boss. His agent.

Black boys don’t get the opportunity to discover themselves. His identity is assigned to him at birth. First, before he can even speak for himself, negative stereotypes pervade his psyche and he subconsciously absorbs a predetermined position. No one will come right out and tell him that he is destined to be a criminal. However, when he looks at T.V. or listens to the radio or sometimes just lives in his environment, he draws this or some other negative conclusion. Then he goes to school and his teachers and administrators expect less from him than everyone else. They feel threatened by him so they assess even the smallest infraction as an act of punishable aggression. When others get a warning, he gets expelled. And this is his introduction into the criminal justice system. Unless, of course, he can play ball.

It is time for us to give our boys the chance to consider themselves. Don’t let them accept a role created for them by others. Teach them to hear God. This is our hope. When the rap is speaking. When the television is speaking. When his boys are speaking. When his hormones are speaking. When fear is speaking. When doubt is speaking. When any voice other than that which knows who he is speaks. Teach him to hear the call of the one who created him and knows his power.

So my question to my brothers is just who do you think you are anyway? In the end it doesn’t matter much what other people think. Certainly, I want you to be who you were destined to be. We need you to be it. But you have to gather the courage to claim that which was given to you by God. Then you will be free. Black people will be free. America will be free. You can free the world.

Buffalo Soldier: For Those Who Know and Dare to Be

Do you know just who you are anyway?
I mean do you really know?
Well, this is who you are.
You are the builder of mighty nations.
You built civilizations like Songhay and Mali and governed empires like Kemet and Kush using only your faith, your mind and the natural resources given to you by God.
You had no guns or weapons of mass destruction.
These devices were not even created then.
You did not need to scare people into submission.
Because… you are the carrier of knowledge.
You founded and studied at great universities millennia ago.
You laid the foundation for the modern study of science and mathematics at Timbuktu.

Even philosophers like Socrates and Aristotle revere you.
They still fear you, that’s why they hunt you down. Didn’t you know?
That you are a survivor.
You survived centuries of being punished for your blessings.
You were whipped, mentally abused, stripped of your name and your identity.
They tried to break you and make you believe you were not a man,
by robbing you of your ability to protect your mothers, wives and daughters.
They never let you celebrate yourself, your great ancestors.
Even though you built their empires and celebrated their heroes.
You are a forgiver.
You vowed never to be bitter toward your oppressor even when they refused to apologize.
You fought in wars with them, cried with them when your sons didn’t come home,

believed them when they promised to redeem themselves.
Through all this you somehow managed to be a visionary.
You dreamed of a peaceful world.
You created art and music to describe your pain and danced at the thought of the joy to come.
You are a warrior.
You are fighting to reclaim your families and return to your former glories.
And you will because you know who you are.
You are a builder, a carrier, a survivor, a visionary, a warrior.
You are loved.

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Pursuit of Happiness

We live in what many would say is the greatest country on earth. We have freedoms others would not dare to dream about. We have access to wealth people risk life and limb to grasp. We are the envy of the world and the same time we are the champion of the world.

I often wonder how our country obtained this position. Well, the people who founded the country as we know it were pioneers and entrepreneurs. They had drive, courage, curiosity and creativity. They had a desire to take nothing and make it into something. They invented products and machines that the whole world sought. They made scientific discoveries that the rest of the world felt they could not live without. They built structures that amazed and put in awe. Then in order to protect their right to the pursuit of happiness, they set up a government based on the principles of democracy. And this is how we thrive.

We have been in pursuit of democracy since our country was founded in 1776. Democracy is what makes us great. It simply means that all citizens have a say. Because this concept seems so simple, we often take it for granted. However, it is of utmost importance. We often forget that everyone did not always have a say.

Before the Revolutionary War we were controlled by the British government until Jefferson declared that all men are created equal and have certain inalienable rights. Still, we struggled for true democracy because blacks were not considered men. Later in 1863, Lincoln said our government would be of the people, by the people, and for the people. However, after the Civil War, the African Americans were again alienated from what should have been inalienable rights by laws that kept them from voting and enjoying full access to democracy. Then in 1964 President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act that said all citizens would have free access to that pursuit of happiness.

However, the struggle continues because in order to have a say, one must speak. In order to speak, one must know what to say. The courage to speak comes from knowing what to say. That knowledge comes from education. Quality education. All of our children still do not have a quality education. Education is the key to true democracy. A democratic society must have an equally educated citizenry for it to work.

Another hindrance to democracy is apathy and stagnation. Because many don’t seem to care about what is going in the world, they do not exercise their most basic democratic right. They don't believe they have the power to impact the world around them. Therefore, many adults do not vote or take part in the democratic process in any way. This is so dangerous. It is not just dangerous because we are letting only a small percentage have all the control. It is dangerous because we are the leaders of the free world. So that means the small percentage that does participate is running the world. This tiny percent is who has gotten us into a war that most of the world feels is illegal and morally wrong. So it is so important that we all make our voices heard.

But first we must educate ourselves. Don’t just listen to the people who are talking the loudest. Don’t let them tell you how you must vote. Research for yourself and vote for who you feel will be best for your family, community and world. As African Americans, we have been sold out to the Democratic Party since 1964. However, we must remember that we are not obligated to any particular party. Now the Republicans are trying to play the same political game with the Christian vote. In 2000, they claimed to be the proprietors of and ultimate authority on morality. They won control of the government based on a couple of issues that were important to Christians.

However, we must remember that politicians are just politicians. They play whatever tricks they need to play in order to get into office. It is our duty as citizens to study and hold them accountable. We are coming up to another big national political season. The Democratic and Republican parties just held their first presidential debates. And I see the same games and tricks. So it is up to us to make our voices heard. And don’t just vote. Educate others and get them registered to vote. Then take them to the polls if you have to. We are living in a crucial time in America and the world. We can’t take anything for granted.

If you need to get registered to vote, go to to get a voter registration form or call the Voter Assistance Hotline at 866-308-6739. Also, if you have problems when you try to vote, call the 877-868-3737 to report it.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

For Sojourner Truth

This is inspired by Sojourner Truth and her legendary speech “Aint I a Woman.”

I am a woman.
I am the woman.
I have loved the husbands
Nurtured the babies
Taken the beatings
Worked the fields
All at the same time.
And yet I did it all with grace.
I have managed to keep my back straight
With the weight of the world bearing down on it.
I have managed to keep my head held high
When nobody seemed to cherish me.
Nobody has to tell me I’m strong
Because my very survival is evidence of my strength.
Nobody has to tell me I'm beautiful
Because this I know.
From high yellow to jet black
Every shade of me is beautiful.
You can not categorize me because I cannot be contained.
You can not define me because I am beyond your explanations.
You can not kill me because I am infinite.
I’ve got a certain something that you just can’t put your finger on.
Something inside so strong that I’ve survived
Centuries of hopelessness and hoped anyway.
Centuries of lovelessness and loved anyway.
I went from slavery to freedom in a heartbeat
And taught my children to forgive.
I raised up dignitaries with no dignity of my own.
Still, they call my confidence aggression and my pride arrogance.
They say I have an attitude.
Well, if I seem to have an attitude, I do.
I do not apologize.
My sons are killing each other and my daughters have forgotten how to love.
So I have work to do.
You call it attitude. I call it fire.
I’ve got to have the fire inside to keep up the struggle.

Ain't I a Woman

The following is the famous speech from Sojourner Truth given at the Women’s Convention in Akron, Ohio in 1851. What a powerful woman she was. Her words still resonate. She still inspires.

Well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter. I think that 'twixt the negroes of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon. But what's all this here talking about?
That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain't I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?
Then they talk about this thing in the head; what's this they call it? [member of audience whispers, "intellect"] That's it, honey. What's that got to do with women's rights or negroes' rights? If my cup won't hold but a pint, and yours holds a quart, wouldn't you be mean not to let me have my little half measure full?
Then that little man in black there, he says women can't have as much rights as men, 'cause Christ wasn't a woman! Where did your Christ come from? Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him.
If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back , and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it, the men better let them.
Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old Sojourner ain't got nothing more to say.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Don't Believe the Hype

Don Imus called the Rutgers University women’s basketball team “nappy headed hos.” This set off a fury among black commentators. The fury stirred Imus to apologize. When that wasn’t enough, sponsors such as American Express and General Motors backed out of his program. Of course with the bottom line and their image in jeaporady, MSNBC and CBS put Imus on suspension and finally fired him. So has justice been served for the Rutgers women, black women and women in general? Does firing Imus get to the heart of the matter? What is the heart of the matter? Why did Imus say these things?

The fact is “nappy headed hos” came straight from black youth culture. Listen to the lyrics of much of rap music and you will certainly find these words said over and over again. Guess who is mostly listening to rap music, young white males. So it’s just like when a little kid cusses and everyone wonders where he got that kind of language. Imus got his language from our kids. Al Sharpton said it’s more of a problem for Imus to say this because he is a mainstream journalist. I disagree. The real problem is when our kids say it and believe it about themselves. That is what’s hurting us. Don Imus can’t degrade us. We are degrading ourselves.

Frederick Douglass was once riding on a train. The staff on the train told him he had to go and sit in the baggage car. Another person said that staff member must not have known who Mr. Douglass was to degrade him in this manner. Fredrick Douglass replied, “They cannot degrade Frederick Douglass. The soul that is within me no man can degrade. I am not the one that is being degraded on account of this treatment, but those who are inflicting it upon me.”

One can only degrade oneself. So when Don Imus or Snoop Doggy Dogg or Ludacris or any one else calls you names, they are only demonstrating what grade they are. Just know who you are.

The media and media hogs are always getting on television taking up time talking about things that shouldn’t really matter to us (i.e. Who’s the father of Anna Nicole’s baby?). This only serves to divert our attention from what really matters. OUR KIDS ARE FAILING SCHOOL. THEY CAN’T READ. THEY ARE KILLING EACH OTHER IN THE STREETS. THEY NEED US TO PAY ATTENTION.

So stay focused. Don’t get caught up in the media hype. What Don Imus says or doesn’t say about us is not going to heal the ills among us.

Woman's Work

To be black and female.
A curse. A gift.
Generations of backbreaking, soul-wrenching work.
Woman’s work.
We have done it so well that others copy us,
fear us,
revere us,
try to stop us,
hate us,
love us,
judge us,
tremble at the thought of us.
When Europeans first came in contact with us they stood in awe of us.
How we walked as graciously as lionesses, strong, confident, with our heads held high. This is the definition of beauty they said.
During slavery we took care of our children while nursing other people’s children and working from sunup to sundown.
They wondered “How in the world does she do it?”
We taught them how to laugh to keep from crying.
Sing when you want to moan.
Dance when your feet are aching.
When others complained about the size of their butts, hips and thighs,
Monique and Beyonce showed them how to “drop it like its hot”.
So when someone calls you a bitch, a nigger or a ho,
You remember who you really are.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Have We Come to the End of the Era of Black College Pride?

Florida A&M University has in recent weeks been at the center of negative press and publicity. The state of Florida has even threatened to close the school. Some would see this closure as a tragedy because of the rich history and legacy of FAMU and black colleges in general.

The story of black education in America is one of struggle, focused determination and triumph against all odds. Before the end of the Civil War, blacks were prohibited from education in many Southern states. Those blacks who did receive education often taught themselves at the threat of punishment and even death. After the Emancipation Proclamation, some schools were established by ordinary people who believed education was the key to true liberty. They pooled their money, labor and resources to make sure their children would learn. Other private institutions were set up by churches and the Freedmen’s Bureau. One such private church-sponsored school is Edward Waters College, the oldest black college in Florida. It was established by the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church in 1866.

Later, the United States government thought it was necessary to extend educational opportunities to more than just the wealthy. In 1862 the U.S. legislature enacted the Morrill Act to provide for the higher education of America’s ordinary folk. This act gave land to the states to be used for building colleges and universities to train working class people. These schools were called land-grant institutions. However, this act did not guarantee the education of blacks. Therefore, a second Morrill Act said states that received federal land-grant money had to provide for the education of African Americans as well. As a result of this act, FAMU was founded in 1887 as a land-grant institution. Many other black colleges and universities began as public land-grant schools as well.

The privately founded and funded institutions along with the public land-grant institutions went on to nurture and train many generations of black leaders. Toni Morrison (Noble Prize Winner and author), Sean Combs (producer and entrepreneur), Spike Lee (filmmaker), Common (Hip Hop artist), Keith Clinkscales (former editor of Vibe and CEO of Vanguard Media), Kwame Kilpatrick (youngest mayor of Detroit), Darrell Armstrong (NBA player), Samuel L. Jackson (actor), Ronald McNair (astronaut), and Steve McNair (NFL player) are just a few examples.

Today many Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are in serious financial and management trouble. FAMU is only one example. There were originally 117 HBCUs. That number is declining as these historic schools lose accreditation, funding and students turn to majority schools.

Proponents of HBCUs argue that they are still very necessary. Some reason they give are that ¾ of all black Ph.D.s did their undergraduate work at black schools, black students succeed at a higher rate at black schools and black students gain the unquantifiable benefits of self awareness, confidence, leadership experience and pride when attending black schools.

Others argue that the country is moving beyond the need for separate schools for minorities. They say these schools violate laws against segregation. These schools only serve to separate the races and dilute funding sources and support for all students.

So are HBCUs still necessary or are they hurting us? Please comment about this issue. Make sure to indicate your age and where you are from.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Courage to Serve: The Essence of a True Leader

There seems to be a void among black people. Some believe the void is in black leadership. They long for the next Martin Luther King or Malcolm X. They wait for a black messiah to take us home. However, I disagree with this notion. There is no lack of leadership in the black community. On the contrary, there is a surplus of leadership. We have a church on every corner of the black community. We have numerous organizations supposedly dedicated to our uplift. We have black politicians and government workers. We have a host of people searching for power, privilege and prestige. But do we have enough leaders seeking to serve the people? Leaders who will stay when the money doesn't come. Leaders who won't be swayed by fads and gimmicks. Leaders who will stand up to the majority when the majority is wrong. Leaders who have the faith and courage to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

Two events have caused me to think seriously about the problem of leadership and the masses of my people wandering in the wilderness. The first is the resignation of Bruce Gordon as president of the NAACP. The second is the death of Bishop G.E. Patterson, Presiding Bishop of the historic Church of God in Christ.

I am a member of the NAACP. I joined because of the important legacy of the organization and its invaluable contribution to the struggle of black people. It is the oldest civil rights organization in existence. Its efforts have helped make our country a true democracy. This in turn paved the way for further democratization of the world. There is no question that this organization is tremendously important to our people, our country and the entire world. I am proud to be a member. As a proud member, I am concerned.

I was asked many times why don’t more young people join. Young people won’t join for the same reason Bruce Gordon resigned. The NAACP has no lack of leadership. A huge executive board runs the organization. Gordon left because of resistance from the leadership to change. Gordon tried to urge the organization to put more of its efforts toward service. He wanted the organization to actually do something. The organization’s response has been that it is a civil rights organization, meaning it lobbies the government to do something. They say Gordon was trying to steer the NAACP away from its mission, “to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.”

So how is it that service in the community will detour the organization from this mission? Political battles have been won. We have already lobbied the government. Now it is time to lead our people to enjoy the benefits of the civil rights we have already won. What is the point of having a right you don’t know about or ever use?

So the NAACP has decided to continue with its current strategy of holding huge conventions where they spend a ton of money on speakers and ballrooms and then use what little money is left to beg the government to take care of our problems. Yes, we must hold our government accountable. But let’s do a little more to hold ourselves accountable. Let’s get the courage to stick to our vision and lead our own people.

Because the church is where our civil rights battle began, I turn to it, our most important source of leadership. People often quote the scripture that says without a vision the people perish. I don’t believe God has left us devoid of leadership or vision. We have just lost the courage and commitment to carry it out. Historically, most of our leaders came out of the church because other avenues of leadership were prohibited. So we fought to make other pathways available.

We fought for political rights, integration of schools, and fairness in the corporate world. Through the grace of God, we miraculously survived slavery, Jim Crow and overt racial terrorism. We garnered our civil rights, opened up the pathways and then promptly existed out of the newly opened doors. We left our first love. We left the place that gave us the courage and safety to pursue what “they” had. When the doors opened, the visionaries got on the first thing smoking. The flocks were left with hirelings who were out to fleece the sheep. Those visionaries who stayed suffer from blurred vision, distorted by the cares and riches of this world.

Leaving was not the way to get what we needed. We already had what we needed, God. God is who enabled us to survive, fight and win those battles. Bishop G.E. Patterson was the head of the historic Church of God in Christ (COGIC). He descends from a line of powerful and courageous leaders.

The history of this organization demonstrates the tremendous resource we have always had but still don’t realize. Charles H. Mason incorporated COGIC in 1897. This organization came out of the Pentecostal-Holiness movement that was an interracial movement started by a black man, William J. Seymour. COGIC was the first African American church that had no origins in any European denomination. As a matter of fact, since COGIC was the first incorporated Pentecostal-Holiness church, all Pentecostal or Holiness ministers had to come to Mason to be ordained, this included all white ministers. In fact, Mason ordained the men who began the largest white Pentecostal denomination, the Assemblies of God. The movement continued as an interracial movement until racial conflicts reached a climax around 1919.

Mason did not look to the government, economic resources or whites for his vision. He got it from God, the ultimate and unlimited resource. Then he led a movement courageously. Many would say we need leaders like Mason today. However, I say we have leaders. We need the leaders to look to God for their vision and lead the people confidently according to what the vision requires. Believe in the vision, and the people will believe in the vision and follow it.

Those leaders who are leading according to God’s command, please don’t give up. The people need you to believe, even if it seems that they have abandoned the vision. God will bring forth your righteousness as the light and your justice as the noonday. Just wait. The vision that is true will surely shine.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

My Sister, My Sister

Women are something else. I just can’t seem to get along with them. They are petty, jealous, and unscrupulous. I get along better with men.

How many times have we heard these comments FROM WOMEN? I have heard it over and over. Women just don’t like the characteristics of other women. Saying these statements implies that only “other” women are nasty and spiteful. Not me. I’m the only good woman alive today. In actuality, when you say these statements about other women, you are speaking about yourself too. What you perceive in others is a reflection of you.

So is there truth to these notions about the nature of women? Surely there is. When we are involved in all female groups, we often find we get very little accomplished. We bicker about little things instead of just compromising and getting on with it.

Let’s take this scenario for an example:

Your women’s group is planning a fundraiser to benefit needy children in the community. You go to a planning meeting that is supposed to last for an hour. Group member Sally suggests having a formal dinner to raise the money. Everyone else agrees. However, another group member, Sue, didn’t get to put on her charity event last year. Therefore, she finds little details to pick apart Sally’s idea. Since Martha is Sue’s friend, she has to side with Sue. Now the meeting lasts for three hours instead of one. Nothing gets accomplished. Everyone leaves feeling discouraged and saying, “See, I knew women were something else.” You can just imagine what might happen. Sue and Sally will make snide remarks to one another. Everyone will gossip. Some people will go to Sally and tell her things that Sue said. Some people will drop out because they are just tired of the whole silly thing. An event that could have been fruitful to all will probably never happen. If it does happen, it will probably not be as good as it should because everyone won’t be giving their all.

But just because that’s the way it sometimes is, does not mean that is the way it is supposed to be. It is supposed to be just the opposite. Women are not naturally aggressive and hostile. Women are built to be nurturing and constructive. That is the way God designed us. We are motherers, even if we aren’t mothers. Our purpose is to cultivate, not destroy. The destructive behavior does not come from nature but environment.

Most often, the aggression we demonstrate is not physical (though it sometimes can be). We use our words and behaviors to attack others. We gossip about, exclude and cut down other women. The inclination to aggress comes from a fear that some need is not going to be satisfied. Most often, aggressive behavior stems from not feeling valued, appreciated or affirmed by others. African American women have historically been the least valued, appreciated and affirmed. Perhaps this explains the stereotype of the neck-rolling, sassy, no nonsense black woman. Black women feel they must protect themselves and their turf. They must demand respect even if it’s through fear. They must protect themselves, because no one else is going to do it. It starts when we’re young. Little black girls sometimes even resort to physical brutality. The girl who can fight is applauded by her peers.

We do not have to accept this stereotype. We can end the cycle of conflict among women. We can choose to network with one another, drawing upon one another’s strengths to build one another up. We can stop relating with one another with the underlying belief that if she wins I must lose. Instead, we can see that if she wins, I win too. We can realize that if my sister contributes her all, I contribute my best effort, and we help each other, we all will benefit. But if I undermine my sister’s efforts, no one will win. We can begin to encourage those women who are doing positive things instead of stirring up nasty rumors about them. Often times, we see another woman’s strengths as a sign of our own weaknesses. Instead we can choose to be inspired by powerful women, even ask them for advice. Furthermore, we can develop a zero tolerance for gossip. Don’t promote, participate in or even listen to it. Change the subject to something positive or just leave the room. Finally, we can begin to rely on God to supply all our needs. We can look to Him for validation, affirmation and appreciation.

Women are the social constructors. If we build one another up, we can work together to build a better society. If women change their behaviors, the whole world will change.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Say It Loud!

Five black actors are making history during Black History Month. It inspires me and gives me pride to see Jennifer Hudson, Djimon Hounsou, Eddie Murphy, Will Smith and Forest Whitaker getting international attention and acclaim because of their Academy Award Nominations. I am especially thrilled to see Jennifer Hudson and Forest Whitaker take home the Oscar. This goes to the heart of the very purpose for which Dr. Carter G. Woodson began what we know as Black History Month.

Dr. Woodson believed that blacks needed to know about their forefather’s achievements and contributions. This knowledge would give blacks a sense of pride and confidence to go on and achieve their full potential. For so long, we knew nothing about our significance in the building of America and the world. We did not know we made history. We thought history just happened to us. We had no role models.

That is why all these nominations are so important. Our children tend to look to the media for role models. They look up to and follow the patterns of celebrities. That is why it is encouraging to see that the images being celebrated are good ones. In the past, Hollywood has honored black images that were dishonorable. We saw pimps and thugs being glorified. However, the roles for which these actors are nominated are heroes that create positive perceptions in the minds of our young.

Still, even though this is encouraging and wonderful for these actors, we must move even further in our effort to inspire our youth to greatness. We can never depend on Hollywood to tell our truth or guide our children. We must control the images of ourselves that play over and over again before our young people. We must become proactive and self-determining when it comes to promoting a positive sense of self. Here are some steps we can take:

Guide the children to God as their source of validation.
Any other source will be flawed, unstable, and temperamental. God is the creator. Only He ordains and gives power to achieve. He has no limits. He has all power. He knows everything. Why would you want to look to anything less?

Be conscious about what you watch on T.V. and listen to.
The images Hollywood creates of black people have been negative since there was a Hollywood. They have always portrayed stereotypes of oversexed women and clownish and backward men. Don’t just sit back and watch without thinking critically. I’m not saying we shouldn’t watch T.V. or listen to the radio. But don’t passively allow these media messages to infiltrate your psyche. Think about it and talk about it with your children.

Point out positive images in the media and real life.
When you see good role models on T.V., encourage your children to focus on them. Also, point out positive examples in your community. There are many black doctors, preachers, business owners, teachers, policemen, fathers, mothers, aunts, uncles and just all around good people right where we live. They’ve always been there.

Watch what you say.
We often reinforce negative beliefs and perpetuate a cycle of inferiority. We say things like “Niggas aint nothin” right in front of our children. We speak negatively about all things black (i.e. skin too dark, hair too nappy, butt too big, nose to broad, etc.) We can’t let Hollywood determine our notion of what is valuable or beautiful. I hear people telling their children “Shut up with your black, nappy-headed self.” What do you think this does to their self concept? It tells them that what they are by nature is not good enough.

In the 1940s, Dr. Kenneth Clark conducted a study using dolls. He gave little black girls choices between black and white dolls. He asked them which doll they identified with most. They said the black doll. When he asked which doll was better and prettier, they chose the white doll. He also asked which doll they would rather be. Guess which doll they picked? If you think those days are over, think again. Just recently, a high school student conducted the same experiment on five-year-old girls and got the same results.

Become a mentor.
Black people have to be good role models themselves. So many children grow up in single-parent households. Children need all the support they can get. Give advice, encouragement and a helping hand to a young person.

Support and encourage those who are doing positive things.
If we want young and progressive blacks to keep working with our communities, we have to support them. We can’t cut them down and look for negativity, causing them to either move away or wither away. We have to let them know we appreciate them. We have to patronize them and encourage them. This way, the resources will stay in our communities and we can benefit from them. Then we can go higher by building on what we already have and not have to keep starting from square one.

Once we proactively shift the paradigm, determining for ourselves who will be our models of excellence, we will truly be empowered. Our children will achieve well beyond what the media and society tell them they can. Then, not only will they act in great movies. They will produce, direct and write great movies, music, television and whatever God puts in them. They will be innovators and creators of new cutting edge media outlets and technology. They won’t have to depend on shady Hollywood executives to give them good roles because they will own the studios.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Life for Us Has Never Been a Crystal Stair. But Keep Climbing.

Statistically, African Americans seem to be at the top of every bad list and at the bottom of every good list. We have been oppressed, depressed and just plain stressed for so long that we tend to think that is the way we were meant to be. Many of our people believe we are meant to go to inferior schools, receive an inferior education and later work in an inferior job.

Black psychologists call this way of thinking the “slave mentality”. They say African Americans are conditioned to accept a position of inferiority. Then as slaves we depend on the master (whites) to lift us up.

We see other races as smarter, more talented and more capable. We feel subconsciously that better things and better circumstances were meant for whites. We base the value of things on whether white people have it. Then we devalue things based on whether black people use it or like doing it. We say things like you know how black people are. If a company is black-owned, we question the competence of the owner and the quality of the product or service.

Our biggest handicap is our inability to trust ourselves to come up with our own solutions. In 1903, W.E.B. DuBois posed the question, “How does it feel to be a problem?” Still, over a century later, we are yet in the peculiar situation of being someone else’s problem.

The biggest challenge we face is in the education of our children. Drop out rates are high. Those who stay in school have no idea why they are there and have no goals or ambitions for when they get out. Yet, we leave the education of our children up to others. The teachers and administrators are mostly white. We send our children off to school everyday and expect someone else to care more about their education than we do.
Carter G. Woodson said our children were being mis-educated in 1933. I would hate for him to see that in 2007 our children are still being mis-educated. Dr. Woodson warned “The Negro will never be able to show all of his originality as long as his efforts are directed from without by those who socially proscribe him. Such friends will unconsciously keep him in the ghetto.”

My point is not that we should go back to segregated schools or that only black teachers should teach black students. No, my point is that black people must come together and see each of our children as all of our children. It is us who are in a crisis situation. It is our future that is in jeopardy. We need to take the chains off and stop depending on someone else to do for us what we can only do for ourselves.

We live in a time where we have every convenience. However, we complain more than our ancestors ever did. There is no excuse for the achievement gap that exists between black students and other races. Our ancestors achieved with far less resources at their disposal. They did this because they looked to God for help, not to their oppressor. This month in Florida, students are taking the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. Since its inception, our leaders have been spending time, talent and energy fighting this test as if it and not low achievement was the enemy. Our children should be able to pass this test with flying colors. Maybe if black leaders had spent their energy organizing and participating in tutorial and mentorship programs, our children wouldn’t be lagging behind.

Yes, the stakes are very high on the test and there are many problems with it. But how many unfair and problematic circumstances did our forefathers overcome? If they could see us now, I don’t think they would encourage us to spend all our resources organizing marches and protests against a test. They would admonish us to teach our children by any means necessary. They would say, like in the Langston Hughes poem, “Honey, life for me ain't been no crystal stair”. They would tell us that we are nobody’s problem. We are problem solvers. So let’s start finding the solutions and stop making excuses. Let’s stop begging ol’ Massa for directions off the plantation and start walking toward the hills.

“When you control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his proper place and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary.”
-Dr. Carter G. Woodson

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Midway, Florida: The Lost City?

Because this month is Black History Month, it’s fitting to discuss the threat to the local history of a small town in Florida.

For nearly a decade now, the predominantly black, unincorporated section of Sanford, FL known as Midway has been in the midst of a tug-of-war, caught in the middle of government planners, business developers and community organizers. Sanford and the greater Seminole County community have set out to benefit from the exponential growth that is taking place in Central Florida. However, where do the residents of Midway stand? Will the residents of Midway benefit from changes that are quickly taking effect or will Midway become another casualty of so-called progress?

One of the changes has recently put Midway in the focus of media attention. This is the proposed erection of a new elementary school on a potentially hazardous site (as the area is former farming ground, loaded with harmful chemicals). There were write-ups in papers, community meetings and new plan after new plan.

At a Midway community town hall meeting held on Feb. 1, residents expressed that they very much want the school. They don't feel there is a real threat to the children. They feel people should be supporting a new up-to-date facility for the children of Midway.

Others bring up the issue of where the school will be facing. This question brings us to change number two, all the new homes being built up around Midway. Some ask if the school is really being built to cater to the more affluent homeowners moving into the area. Will the school face the old Midway or the new section with many white homeowners? (Those from Sanford will remember the hurtful Goldsboro situation).

Finally, a third change may pose an even bigger threat to the historic community. My cousin, a concerned Midway resident, pointed out to me that many of the kids who now attend Midway Elementary will be pushed out completely with the expansion of the Sanford Orlando Airport. This has been an issue for years now. Many of the residents have been forced to sell out to the airport, which sits just across the highway from Midway. Although new eminent domain restrictions (enacted by Congress and the Florida legislature) limit the powers of government, many of the residents may sell anyway. Because of the rising property values and property tax rates, the poorer old residents won’t even be able to move into the new subdivisions nearby. In turn, Midway will no longer be the Midway we once knew. This black town that has existed in Sanford since the late 1800s may disappear.

My fear is that gentrification will change the face of Midway and a rich heritage will be lost. Proponents of the new growth say Midway is a poor black community that needs a face lift anyway.

So what do we do about history preservation? There are many whose roots go deep in Midway. So do mine.

There are options. The Hannibal Square section of Winter Park set up a Community Trust designed to maintain its cultural heritage and diversity. Other towns established museums. In Midway, they have already set up a historical marker and Victoria Brown-Smith wrote a book about Midway history. However, more should be done to keep alive the memory of this important place.

Many of our ancestors gained their first experience in property ownership right in Midway. We should not let their hard work just slip away. We need to consider what options we have to preserve the rich heritage of Midway. It is up to us. Who else will or should care? Perhaps this should be on the agenda at the next community meeting in Midway. Perhaps those who have ties to Midway should attend the next meeting and present some ideas for how to make sure our history is not lost.

If you have more information on this or want to dialogue about this, please comment.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Obama for President?

It seems that the black political elite and social thinkers are being a little hard on Barack Obama. Those such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Tavis Smiley and so on say they don't want to rush to support Mr. Obama as a candidate. They say he hasn't been forthcoming about his stance on issues crucial to African Americans. I say many of the current potential candidates and past presidential candidates completely ignore so-called African American issues. Even worse, elected politicians ignore these issues and as long as they're Democrats, black self-proclaimed leaders and organizations stand with them and say we have to go with the lesser of two evils. I say Mr. Obama has presented himself as a savvy, dedicated and socially conscious brother. I don't think he would sell us out any faster than the other choices. We should be cheering him on not giving him the cold shoulder. It makes it look like these so-called leaders are a bunch of haters. I hope that's just the way it looks.