Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dorothy Height "Godmother of the Civil Rights Movement" Dies at 98...Finally Rest for the Weary.

Dorothy Height died at the age of 98 at the Howard University Hospital on April 20, 2010. She marched with King and counseled Roosevelt. She didn't just walk with giants, she was a giant among giants of the Civil Rights Movement.

Though not as celebrated as others, Height gave her entire life to the fight for freedom. President Obama called Height "Godmother of the Civil Rights Movement." He went on to say, "...And even in the final weeks of her life...a time when anyone else would have enjoyed their well-earned rest...Dr. Height continued her fight to make our nation a more open and inclusive place for people of every race, gender, background and faith."

Height had a passion for justice that drove her to fight on despite persecution on two fronts. She was black and a woman in America. Still she kept fighting because she had to.

She was overlooked. Though she was a primary organizer of the March on Washington in 1963 and stood next to Dr. Martin Luther King as he gave his famous "I Have a Dream Speech," Mother Height was never counted among the so-called "Big 6" of the Movement.

She was rejected. Mother Height applied and was accepted to Barnard College. However, as she was preparing to enter, she was told there was a mistake. The college had already filled its quota of two blacks. They did not need a third.

Her life was threatened. While eating in a restaurant in Mississippi during the days of segregation, she watched as all the whites stopped eating and walked out White men in uniform came in and surrounded her and her 2 friends. The black kitchen staff came into the dining area and probably saved them from harm.

Still she kept fighting. Fighting while urging her comrades in the war to stay patient and resist the urge to get bitter. No, Mother Height never got bitter. She used her energy to keep fighting the good fight of faith until the very end.

In her fight, Mother Height served as a social worker, educator, organizer, demonstrator and adviser. She presided over Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. from 1947 until 1956. After that she served at the behest of her mentor, Mary McLeod Bethune, the National Council of Negro Women for more than 50 years. She was President Emeritus of the organization until her death. Mother Height received many honors, including 36 honorary doctorate degrees. She was also recognized by Barnard College as an honorary alumna in 2004.

America owes Mother Height a debt of gratitude. Her name should be placed among the greats and honored among the legends who built, worked, cried, suffered and died to make this country live up to its profession. Thank you Mother Height.

You can read Dorothy Height's memoir, Open Wide the Freedom Gates, to gain further insight. I'm sure you will treasure it as do I.

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