Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Glenn Beck Should be Ashamed of Himself

Last night, I was watching Glenn Beck (shame on me). He was standing at a chalk board like some kind of professor teaching a course on crazy right wing conspiracies. So I kept watching (shame on me). As I watched, I heard him say things like "If Obama isn't a socialist, he sure does hang around a lot of them." Then he proceeded to explain how passage of the health care reform bill is the beginning of the end for America and a sure sign of Armageddon (shame on him). When I first saw Beck years ago, I thought he was a little loony. Then I figured he was a savvy talk show host who knows how to get good ratings. Now I'm sure Beck is an irresponsible demagogue, taking advantage of loose canons without regard to the potential hazard. Sure he might be crazy like a fox. But many of his fans are crazy like "go get your shotguns and form militias" crazy. Shame...shame....shame!

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