Death has a way of making one contemplate life. Its purpose. Its brevity. Its rises and falls. Almost a week ago, my church lost its very dear first lady, Mother Doris Bell Hillery. Our community lost a lady among ladies. She was gentle and kind but never weak. She was strong and fearless but never overbearing. She served God for over 40 years by serving others. She stood by her husband, supported and aided him as he founded and led a church. Her reputation was immaculate. As I list all of these qualities, my heart is aching. We are so in need of women strong enough to stand, yet gentle enough to love. Take a look around. Our communities are filled with people in need of prayer and love. Young people are trying to fill the void with anything they think might work, illicit sex, drugs, things. God said that if we humble ourselves and seek His face, He would heal us. I lament because of the apparent scarcity of hearts left to cry out to God. Who will cry out for the children? I examine myself and seek for a strengthening and purification of my heart so that it will be useful to give the love that is so needed. What good is it otherwise? Mother Hillery left this world on November 8, 2009. She left her love with us. Really love is the only thing transferable from one life to the next. So let us cherish it, use it to serve and leave it for future generations. This is the joy and meaning of life, brief as it is.
Motherless, never really considered this word until I experienced her passing. While on earth she was quiet and gentle, yet strong and spoke loudly in her actions. While other spoke of their good deeds, she did hers secretly. While others were busy trying to make a name for themselves, she was helping others develop themselves. She never focused on herself it was always others. I have chosen to do the same, focus on the needs of others. After all, that is what CHRIST did and does. I miss her so much.