Friday, December 18, 2009

Health Care is the Economy

Dealing with the health care (BKA health scare) system with no insurance will make a person sick. Just ask the millions of people suffering through this nightmare today. Just ask me. I was once in the same boat. I found myself unexpectedly expecting. I am a stay-at-home mom. My husband is self-employed. We have no health insurance for us (just the children). So when I got pregnant with my youngest son, I had to tunnel through the maze we call public health care. What a joke. I applied for what Florida calls Pregnancy Medicaid. They denied me and gave absolutely no explanation. I tried calling. I dialed and dialed all day, for days. No answer. Just a recording saying to try back later because the representatives were all busy. I tried to go to the Department of Children and Families office where you’re supposed to get assistance in dealing with these matters. I got sent to a phone bank to call the same number I had been calling all day anyway. No wonder the representatives were busy. I went through this for months. So eventually I just gave up on talking to anyone who cared in the public health care system. I considered every other option, private health plans (which are not really insurance), private doctor payment plans, and birthing centers. I thought I might just have to have the baby at the house. (He came so fast that I actually almost did). Eventually, the public health scare system decided I would get what they call a "share of cost." Once the bills reached a certain amount in one month’s time, Pregnancy Medicaid would kick in. It wouldn’t reach that high until the actual delivery. The rest of the medical bills would be on me. Better than nothing. So that’s my health scare story. Now I call him my little bonus boy.

Some people are wondering why we are talking about health care reform when the economy is in such bad shape. You know the old saying, “It’s the economy, Stupid!” Well, even if you have health insurance, it’s important. Even if you never have to go to the doctor in your life, the problems with health care still affect you. Health insurance, prescription drugs, and other health care needs are expensive. Not everyone can afford it. Others say “That’s their problem.” Well, when people get sick and they don’t have an effective way of dealing with it, it affects the entire economic system. They may lose their jobs, making the unemployment rate go up. They can’t contribute to the tax system. Instead, they drain it because they eventually need public aid. They may lose their homes. We’ve seen how foreclosures have sent the real estate market and the entire economic system into chaos, nearly causing another Great Depression. There are so many ripple effects caused by a weak and flawed health care system. Often people go bankrupt because of ridiculous medical bills. A Harvard study found that 62% of bankruptcy is due to medical problems. (78% of those people started out with insurance and lost it during the process). Then they get on Medicaid, causing further drain on the public coffer. If they would have just had access to affordable health care in the first place, many problems might have been avoided. People don’t want to depend on the system. They do want an affordable option.

So all of us should be in on this debate. Politicians on the left are talking loudly against the current Senate bill. Politicians on the right are talking loudly against it for different reasons. Most of us regular people are somewhere in the middle, not saying anything. Most of the time we end up going along with the loudest talkers, thinking that must be the consensus. Usually the reasonable voices are overpowered by the loud talkers. We need to make our voices heard. Call your senator and let him or her know your take on things. In Florida, you can call Senator Bill Nelson at (407) 872-7161 or Senator George LeMieux at (407) 254-2573. All others can go to to find out who your senators and representatives are.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Great Expectations: The Challenges of Living in the Age of the First Black President

The President accepted the Nobel Peace Prize with grace and perfection. Just last week former Vice President Dick Cheney accused the President of showing weakness and downgrading the American image in the world. However, the President’s acceptance speech was right on. It answered those who criticize Obama as either weak on foreign policy or not deserving of the prize because of his decision to send more troops into Afghanistan. His speech, which included what some are already calling the Obama Doctrine, will certainly be recorded in the history books.

But am I happy the President put Cheney and others in their places because he’s my president or because he’s the first black president? Do black folk more passionately defend Obama, give him more passes and benefit of the doubt? On the other hand, do we criticize him more acutely and expect more from him? The election of the first African American president is a treasure to us. Because it is such a treasure, the day-to-day reality of life with the first black president is also a great challenge to African American politicians (including the president himself), African American leadership and everyday African American citizens of this country.

One challenge for the President and other black folk is unrealistic expectations. Some believed the election of Barack Obama signified the end of our problems. Others believed Obama would swoop in like a superhero and save us. They believe Obama is supposed to be the president for black America. Even some black lawmakers are pressuring Obama to focus on “black issues.” Barbara Lee, chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, criticized Obama’s handling of African American issues. She said African American problems are specific, concrete and require “targeted action”. In other words, black people need special attention. Obama has responded that he is the American President. His job is to deal with American issues. When asked what he was going to do about African American unemployment, the President said, “The most important thing I can do for the African American community is the same thing I can do for the American community, period, and that’s get the economy going again and get people hiring again.”

Even though the President doesn’t, as Al Sharpton called it, get up on a soapbox and preach to people about black issues, his policies have helped black people. This administration has given more aid to Historically Black Colleges and Universities. He has developed the Choice Neighborhood Initiative, designed to bring progress to black communities. He has also directed $1.5 billion toward prevention of homelessness.

This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t challenge Obama just because he is black. Obama has encouraged black politicians and leaders to challenge him just like blacks should challenge any president. He doesn’t expect or want black people to give him a pass. He knows, as a former community activist, that if no pressure is applied, nothing will get done. That is the nature of politics.

We are proud of Obama as the first black president. We want him to and expect him to do well. But he can’t do well as the American President if he is only attending to African American concerns. Attending to American concerns will help all Americans. Obama will then be able to leave a legacy of which we can all be proud.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

There's Still Hope for Black Girls

My hometown is very small. If you’re not from Sanford, you probably haven’t ever heard of it. We very rarely make it to the national headlines. When we do, it’s usually not good. Some notable Sanford headlines have been ones like “Hurricane Sweeps Through Tiny Town” and “Tornado Wreaks Havoc in Florida City” and more recently “Teen Attacked in Local Laundromat”.

Now the last one happened just before Thanksgiving and had the town abuzz for a while. It was all caught on tape. A girl is minding her business folding up clothes. Out of nowhere, she gets beat down by a bunch of other girls. They even ran the footage on national news programs. From gangstas to grandmas, everybody was talking about it, shaking their heads, asking “Why are these girls acting a fool in public?” “Why in Sanford?” “Please don’t tell me they were black.” “These girls need some home training,” they said.

We all know our girls need grooming, nurturing and love. This incident just makes it blatantly obvious that they need it bad, and they need it right now. These are future mothers (some current mothers), fighting and snatching out weaves, cussing and fussing, not caring about anything or anybody (even themselves).

So what do we do? I wasn’t going to write about this incident, because I’m tired of only seeing evidence of depravity among my people in the headlines. However, right after the incident happened, I got notice about an upcoming local event designed to give just the training and attention these girls (and other girls like them) so desperately need.

The Hal Jackson Talented Teens Scholarship Competition is coming to Central Florida. This is not just a pageant. It is a mission to see the spark in our girls, stoke the flame and make them shine bright before the world. This competition began in 1971 to meet a need among black girls. It has grown to become an international competition. People like, LL Cool J, Alicia Keys, Brian McKnight, Stevie Wonder, and Sheryl Lee Ralph have been involved with this program. Girls get the opportunity to win scholarships. They also get an even more beneficial opportunity to be coached and to enhance their public speaking ability, etiquette, and self-confidence.

Girls ages 13-17 in the Central Florida area can become a part of this movement by calling (407) 488-4158 or e-mailing to schedule an audition. Auditions will be held on Dec.6 and 13 from 10 am to 5 pm.

Tell all the girls you know. Don’t just tell the one’s who are already doing great things. Also tell the ones that can do great things. Especially tell them. They are the ones that need this most.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Dirty Game of Black Politics: It Didn't Stop with Marion Barry

Is it just me or are there a lot of black political scandals? One politician’s involved in some kind of elections fraud. Another is accepting dirty money. The next is talking dirty on the phone to a staffer. Arrest here. Press conference there. And on and on. I don’t know if black politicians have more dirty laundry or if the laundry stinks more to me because they are black. (Or if, as the politicians involved seem to think, black laundry gets riffled through unfairly). In any case, it all still smells.

One recent case in Orlando is particularly fishy to me. This time it involves two black politicians at the same time, Daisy Lynum and would be challenger Ezell (E-Z) Harris. Yes, he calls himself E-Z. Anyway, Lynum has held the City Commission seat for 12 years. Earlier this year, at a Tea Party Express rally, Harris announced he would do everything he could to unseat her. He bought the rights to her name on the Web. So if you go to, you will find all sorts of mudslinging against Lynum. Harris is no dummy. He calls her “Crazy Daisy" among other things. He says she’s corrupt and he wants her gone.

When I saw this, I thought this was just another case of politics having black folk acting silly and fighting each other over scraps. There is a black seat or two in just about every district that all the black politicians have to fight for. It can get ugly. This time it really did.

But it gets uglier and stinkier. Right after Harris qualified to run against Lynum, Harris gets arrested for selling drugs. Okay, pump the brakes here please. Harris was running as a conservative who was going to clean up politics in Orlando, put a stop to corruption and enforce drug laws. Of course, Lynum was crushed, right? Not. This was right on time for her. In fact, it seems to be a little too on time for her. The Metropolitan Bureau of Investigations was investigating Harris for months. However, they waited until after he qualified to run against Lynum to arrest Harris. Of course, Lynum and her supporters say this is just a fortunate coincidence. But Lynum knew all about the drug investigation. Actually, more than that, she had reported a tip to the police that Harris was selling drugs. Harris is calling the whole thing a set up. He also owns the Orlando Police Chief’s name on the Internet. So Harris thinks Lynum, Val Demings and the entire Orlando Police Department are all involved in a big conspiracy to ruin Harris’ campaign and shut him up. He decided to pull back on campaigning so as not to tarnish the political process. Way too late.

Look, I know politicians are human beings. They get weak and make mistakes. But when one decides to seek office, that politician is seeking something higher. They are professing to represent the image, needs and will of their constituents. Often, black politicians represent mostly black constituents. Black people have many issues to deal with in our communities, drugs, violent crime, educational problems and so on. Commissioner Lynum represents (and Harris is seeking to represent) the downtown Orlando area, which includes the Parramore district. They need people to fight for them. Politicians, we need people who can fight for us. How can a politician fight for us if he or she is spending so much time and money fighting criminal investigations and scandalous allegations? Please leaders, try your best to stay above reproach at least during your campaign and term of office. We don’t want to hear about your infidelity, drug use, late night phone calls or abuse of power (using your title to get out of parking tickets and such). There is too much work to be done.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Death has a way of making one contemplate life. Its purpose. Its brevity. Its rises and falls. Almost a week ago, my church lost its very dear first lady, Mother Doris Bell Hillery. Our community lost a lady among ladies. She was gentle and kind but never weak. She was strong and fearless but never overbearing. She served God for over 40 years by serving others. She stood by her husband, supported and aided him as he founded and led a church. Her reputation was immaculate. As I list all of these qualities, my heart is aching. We are so in need of women strong enough to stand, yet gentle enough to love. Take a look around. Our communities are filled with people in need of prayer and love. Young people are trying to fill the void with anything they think might work, illicit sex, drugs, things. God said that if we humble ourselves and seek His face, He would heal us. I lament because of the apparent scarcity of hearts left to cry out to God. Who will cry out for the children? I examine myself and seek for a strengthening and purification of my heart so that it will be useful to give the love that is so needed. What good is it otherwise? Mother Hillery left this world on November 8, 2009. She left her love with us. Really love is the only thing transferable from one life to the next. So let us cherish it, use it to serve and leave it for future generations. This is the joy and meaning of life, brief as it is.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Rihanna & Chris: A True Hollywood (and Everyhood) Young Love Story

When I saw Rihanna’s face black and blue beyond recognition, I immediately started questioning the girls I know to get their take on the whole thing. It was interesting. While most of them were horrified at performer Chris Brown’s violence toward a girl, many of the teenagers seemed to want to defend this young man. None of them came right out and said it was Rihanna’s fault. However, they gave a lot of “yeah buts” and “well maybes.” They were extremely hesitant to throw away this baby-faced pop prince. Maybe that’s because they are at the age where they can understand the complexity of the situation. Or maybe, like Rihanna has admitted to recently, the girls also felt embarrassed to have been duped by a sugary sweet image.

I felt tremendous sorrow and sympathy for Rihanna. But I also felt for this young man. I don’t want to give up on him either. For me, he represents the slew of boys who get into trouble early and get thrown away. I’m pulling for him. I don’t want to just give him a pass because he’s a pop star. I want him to sincerely fess up to what he did, learn from it and do better. I want to see him continue with his life and show our boys there is life after a really bad decision.

Rihanna’s coming out and saying she made a bad choice is great. Being a symbol of confidence and self preservation for young girls is admirable. But our boys need a symbol just as badly, if not more so. I’m praying Chris Brown will find the strength to be that symbol.

Rihanna’s interview about her relationship and domestic violence incident with Chris Brown will air tonight at 10 p.m. on ABC.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Still Seperate, Still Unequal, Now What?

The Supreme Court declared mandatory separation of whites and blacks in schools to be illegal over 50 years ago. Ever since that ruling, school districts have come up with all sorts of creative ways to do it anyway.

Orange County, Florida made a deal with the federal government to let them stop busing white kids to schools in black neighborhoods back in 1996. Now the NAACP has brought a law suit against the school district because the district has failed to hold up its end of the bargain, which was to make sure the predominantly black schools were not neglected.

The fact that school boards and white parents buck against and manipulate the system could be one reason why the whole integration experiment just doesn’t seem to be working. We’ve been fighting for over 50 years for true integration. We’ve done everything we can think of to prove how separation by race is harmful. Still, government reports and findings from agencies like the Center on Education Policy consistently show blacks lagging behind whites on every educational indicator.

Black students are absolutely capable of achieving. So what is really going on here? We need to have a frank discussion about what is keeping our kids from doing well in school. Sure, students at predominantly white schools get the more experienced teachers and more up-to-date equipment. But the question that presses on my heart is why can’t black students learn just as well in black schools. I am certainly not advocating for segregation by any means. I believe that exposure to different cultures is education in itself. But sometimes, as we can see, that just isn’t happening. Sometimes black kids will go to predominantly black schools. So I think we need to deal with the question of why does black school equal bad education. We need to candidly admit that good education begins at home. One of the problems (and I’m coming to see it as the main problem) is that our kids come to school with some disadvantages that the school itself did not create. But we expect the school to fix it. When people start talking like this, they get accused of blaming the victim. People jumped all over Bill Cosby for the following comments at the NAACP Brown vs. Board of Education anniversary dinner:

“Ladies and gentlemen, these people set… they opened the doors, they gave us the right, and today, ladies and gentlemen, in our cities and public schools we have 50% drop out. In our own neighborhood, we have men in prison. No longer is a person embarrassed because they’re pregnant without a husband. No longer is a boy considered an embarrassment if he tries to run away from being the father of the unmarried child.”

People accused Cosby of hating black people, of blaming the victim. Well I think he said those things because he loves black people. He’s just trying to figure out what is going on. No, we don’t need to blame the victim. We need to concentrate our resources on helping the victim help himself. We put all of our research, funding, and advocacy into trying to get the teachers, the principals, and the government to lift us up. Sure we pay taxes and we should fight for better schools. But some of our energy could go into closing the achievement gap in the home. After all, the problem starts before the student walks in the doors of the school. How can you solve such a major problem just depending on children who ultimately have to depend on their parents? We’re skipping the parents. That’s backward.

We put all of our money and resources into convincing school districts, principals and teachers to accept our kids and believe in them. Meanwhile, the cycle of low achievement continues. Our community can instead come together and work toward convincing, supporting and teaching our parents so that parents will know how to do what it takes to make sure their children are ready to learn.

Friday, October 30, 2009

A Black Face at the Tea Party

Dave Chapelle used to do a sketch about Clayton Bigsby, a black white supremacist member of the KKK. This guy would go on and on about how niggers are lazy, good-for-nothin’ swindlers. He became a leader of the white supremacist movement and would hype the crowd at Klan rallies, ending every speech with “White Power.” Bigsby didn’t know he was black because he was blind. The white people attending the rally didn’t know Bigsby was black because he had on a hood. Chapelle used to joke that he figured that sketch would eventually get the show cancelled. He was always willing to push the envelope and take risks with his humor. I thought the sketch was genius in how it showed the ridiculousness of racism and hating someone because of the color of their skin.

Now I’m questioning my own prejudice. I recently read about a black conservative musician named Lloyd Marcus. He gets the crowd pumped at the rallies on the Tea Party Express Tour, a conservative movement that wants to “take the country back.” From who, I wonder. During the 2008 campaign, Marcus sang his own version of “Sarah Smile” to cheer up Sarah Palin. Marcus wrote the “American Tea Party Anthem.” The lyrics call the President’s agenda a socialistic scheme that seeks to redistribute wealth to lazy folk and kill the American dream. Sound familiar? The video for the song mocks the President.

Some of the protesters at the rallies say things like, “They can have my country when they pry it from my cold dead hands.” Protesters also expressed fears that all of President Obama’s “czars” are either communist or socialist. They are afraid the President is going after kids and conducting an experiment with population control. They also held up signs showing the President as an African witch doctor. Some advertised about militia training, saying civil war is an option if necessary. Wow!

Is it fair for me to be sickened by the fact that Marcus, an African American man has become the poster child for this movement? Because I am. Marcus and his supporters say he is being unfairly judged by many African Americans because his views don’t line up with Democratic principles. The vast majority of African American voters are registered as Democrats. I’m not sickened because he disagrees with the Democratic Party’s beliefs. I don’t agree with all the Democratic Party’s beliefs. I’m not a Democrat. I’m sickened because Marcus calls himself a “ditto head” and is blindly lining up behind the rhetoric of extremists. I am sickened because Lloyd Marcus reminds me too much of Clayton Bigsby. I am sickened because I think Lloyd Marcus is being used. Maybe not all of the people at those rallies are filled with hate. Maybe some of them just want what’s best for the country. I only fear what some of them think “best” is and whether Mr. Marcus or I are included in that picture. The Tea Party Express Tour wraps up in Orlando on Nov. 11. Maybe I’ll grab a hood and go check it out.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Vince Carter Story: A Modern Day Fairy Tale Come True

Let me start by admitting I know extremely little about sports. However, I was compelled by the story of Vince Carter who plays his first home game tonight as a member of the Orlando Magic.

Because so many African American boys aspire to be sports stars, Carter's story is especially remarkable. It is the story of a boy who watched his hometown heroes play, dreamed of one day playing with them, pursued his dream, and is now experiencing his dream. Carter grew up right in Central Florida. He played for Mainland High School in Daytona Beach. He went to Magic games and admired players like Nick Anderson.

Now little boys will be going to watch Carter play. But they won't be just watching a great basketball player. They will be watching a genuinely good guy. Carter's character off the court is just as worthy of emulation as his skills on the court. He's a down-to-earth guy who doesn't get caught up in the glamour and glitz of stardom. He also believes in giving back. He has held camps for youth in Daytona for years. He donated $1.6 million to help build a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center with his mother Michelle Carter-Scott.

Speaking of his mother, when Carter was growing up, she didn't play. She made sure he had his priorities straight. He had to attend church and keep his grades up. Then he could play sports. If his grades slipped, he didn't get to play. She also made sure he was well-rounded, not just depending on basketball. He was drum major in his high school marching band and even wrote music.

The Magic's season opener is against the Philadelphia 76ers and will be broadcast on Sun Sports at 7 p.m. So Orlando, Vince Carter has come home. He's glad about it. So are we.

Monday, October 26, 2009

My Hair is Good Enough Thank You

I checked out the Chris Rock movie Good Hair this weekend. I found it to be funny and thought-provoking. However, the highlight of my experience did not take place on screen. Sitting a few rows in front of me was a white gentlemen and two ladies. There is a scene in the documentary where Rock is talking with a chemist about the danger of using relaxers (sodium hydroxide). He showed how the chemical melts aluminum and said even inhaling this substance (let alone putting it on your skin) can damage a person for life. The white guy turned to the black lady sitting next to him and said, "So why would you put that on your head?" I thought to myself, "I was just thinking the same thing." Anyway, here are a few things I learned:

1. Black Hair Care is a multi-billion dollar industry; but black people don't make the money or control it. Black people only get into styling. We are shut out where the real money is made, in manufacturing and retailing. For the most part, Koreans manufacture the products and only sell to Korean retailers.

2. Dudley is one of only 4 black-owned hair care manufacturing companies.

3. Weave comes from Hindu temples in India where Indian women sacrifice their hair. I had no idea!

4. People pay as much as $1000 or even more for weaves. What!?! Not just people like Tyra Banks and Vivica Fox. People like the the teller at the bank. Seriously, girls will miss a rent payment to pay for some Indian girl's hair.

Rock did an excellent job of answering the what. Now we've got to figure out the why.

By the way, make sure you catch the Ice-T line at the end. Too funny.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Black is the New Black

I remember a time when calling somebody black was an insult, even to black people (especially to black people). If you really wanted to tell a good Yo Mama joke, you would start it, “Yo mama so black…” or “Yo mama hair so nappy…” Many have searched to figure out the origin of these expressions of self hate. Slavery? The media? Racism? Low self esteem? A combination of everything? The black inner battle over skin color and hair texture has been the topic of many a research paper, some of them mine.

The upcoming Chris Rock movie, Good Hair and some new positive media images have given me a glimmer of hope that all this study and discussion have not been in vain. Black people are beginning to really come to grips with some self hate issues. We are discussing and dealing with them openly and among ourselves. Because we are beginning to love ourselves, we are creating positive media portrayals of ourselves.

Good Hair opens nationwide tomorrow. It is a documentary dealing with black women’s seemingly endless struggle with hair. Rock says he was driven to make this movie when his daughter asked why she didn’t have good hair. Many of us have had this moment and cringed saying, “Oh Lord, not my baby too.” Women in the movie share their tales about perms and weaves. Rock makes us think. What is good hair? Is the hair God gave me bad? I’m excited to see it.

As we are dealing with the issues with Chris Rock, our media images are reflecting our progress. I’m sure most everyone has heard about the new Disney Princess Tiana. I must say I was thrilled when the news came out that Disney is producing a new movie featuring a black princess. The Princess and the Frog opens December 11. The voice of Tiana will be Anika Noni Rose from Dream Girls. Disney has received criticism in the past for racist images. Hopefully, this new princess represents a new day. She is a budding entrepreneur who hopes to own her own restaurant and meet her prince. Talk about girl power! (Little girls will be able to meet Tiana at the Disney Theme Parks beginning October 26). Only a few people have actually seen the film, including Oprah, but I still hope my excitement is not premature. I hope Princess Tiana will make little black girls everywhere proud, including my little princess.

Not only will little black girls have Princess Tiana to look up to, Barbie has a new line of black dolls. Not the black Barbies I grew up with (which were just white dolls painted brown). The So In Style (S.I.S.) dolls will have different shades of brown, full lips and some will have curly hair. The creator of these dolls, Stacey McBride-Irby says she created them to answer a need in her community for positive black female images. The S.I.S. line features Grace, Kara and Trichelle who are interested in art, journalism, music and math.

We’re working to get to the root of the problem. With truth and love we are working together to heal ourselves from the inside out.

Friday, October 16, 2009

God Bless Rush Limbaugh

When I was in school, the best way to get everyone’s attention was for someone to yell, “Fight!” Everyone would run in the direction of the commotion. The more hair pulling, scratching, and cussing, the better. Everyone would talk about it for days. Some were legendary.

You would think as we get older, we would mature. As adults, when there is a potentially dangerous disturbance, we are supposed to know to alert the proper authorities. Unfortunately, it seems that adult fights are nastier and draw greater attention. Just look at the highest rated T.V. shows. People are drawn to blood, conflict, and controversy. Now reality shows rule. The ones with the most chaos shoot to the top (e.g. Jon & Kate Plus 8 Plus the Nanny). The news is filled with violence. The biggest news makers are the ones who scream the loudest, meanest, cruelest, most offensive remarks. Producers don’t have to pay writers to make it up anymore because reality is more striking than fiction. When’s the last time you saw a new comedy show? Why pay writers when people will get on T.V. and act a fool for free? And millions will watch it and talk about it at work the next day. Those who missed it will go watch it on YouTube after work (or during work).

Is there an end to this cycle? Our culture really seems to be obsessed with conflict. It’s not just on T.V. Those who call themselves leaders are the biggest warmongers it seems. Someone calls someone a name (like liar) or even throws a blow. The other person retaliates. Everyone watches. Sometimes people start taking sides. Eventually, if nobody is reasonable enough to search for a resolution, you have an all out war going on. I’m afraid our country is in a state of perpetual conflict. Bill O’Reilly calls it a culture war.

We have to decide what our strategy is going to be. Will the majority stand around watching as Democrats fight Republicans, blacks fight whites, poor fight rich? Will the strategy be to fight until our country is battered and torn and only one side is left standing? Or will someone, for the sake of the country, search for a resolution?

Take the latest situation with Rush Limbaugh for example. He says some outrageous, even racist things. Everyone talks about. He stays at the top of the ratings. Now he tried and failed to become a team owner in the NFL. Of course, everyone is talking about it. His ratings have probably never been better. That has been his M.O. He would say something offensive. Someone would say something back. The media would yell, “Fight!” Everyone would watch. Now I’m afraid people are starting to take sides.

We have to ask ourselves what is the next step? Can anyone step up and call for peace? What if some black leader of some organization, instead of responding to Rush with counterattacks, invites him to the next convention to discuss the problem. Might this neutralize the venom? Some people call it hate. Some people call it evil. I must continue to believe that the only way to overcome evil is with good. In other words, if somebody’s cursing at you, bless ‘em. If somebody yells “fight,” run toward the peace. It may not get that much attention, but everybody will be better off.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Blessed are the Peacemakers

Our President has won the Nobel Peace Prize. Wow! So now what? Instead of expressions of national pride for this honor, many questions have been raised. Contrary to what many Obama supporters say, questions are good. Awards are given out so often now that it is becoming a bit trite really. Awards are given out for everything from best recipe to ugliest dog. Kids get awards in sports for just showing up. But what is the point of giving awards in general? What will be the outcome of this award in particular?

President Obama won the award for diplomacy, his willingness and skill in working with other leaders and keeping peace. Some question whether President Obama should accept this award considering he hasn’t even been in office a year and hasn’t had enough time to “accomplish” anything. Others say the President deserves this award because he has been willing to take a risk in going against the former American diplomacy strategy of might makes right. The Nobel Prize Committee has said Barack Obama deserves this award for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”

So what should happen now? Some people say all the questions are just another example of unfair scrutiny of Obama. After all, other questionable people have won this and other awards without getting all the flack. However, the President knows he will always get extra examination and accepts it without complaint. When awards are given, the choice should be taken seriously. An award is recognition from one’s peers. It is a prize. But it is also a duty. The award winner becomes a standard bearer, a symbol and representative model. When we give awards, we should keep this in mind. Maybe now that so much close inspection is being done in this case, we will take more care in our choices in the future.

Also, when we receive awards we should handle it as an undertaking of responsibility and not an ego enhancer. In fact, the President has called this honor a humbling call to action. He says that he is more inspired to continue his work in nuclear non-proliferation, reversal of the global economic shutdown and resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The Bible says peacemakers shall be called the children of God. Barack Obama has been declared a peacemaker among peacemakers. The Nobel Committee said that our President has “captured the world’s attention and given its people hope for a better future.” Those of us who consider it a duty to work to make the world better can look to this distinction and be inspired.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Like the Israelites, we as African Americans, were a rejected people. God chose the Israelites to be His people. We, on the other hand, chose God. We are a people who were not a people. We found ourselves strangers in a strange land, among people who rejected, scorned and abused us. We had no claim to any particular country or tribe in Africa. So we humbly surrendered ourselves to God, begging Him to take us as His own. We, like Jacob wrestling with the angel, vowed never to let go until He blessed us. We said they could talk about us as much as they pleased. The more they talked, we would just bend our knees. We said they could exclude us, beat us, even kill us. We would let nothing turn us around. We would keep our eyes on the prize and hold on until He blessed us. And so He did. The more blessed we became, the more slack our grip became. Until now, we are hanging on by a thread.

A very wise man once told me that when he was young, he was lost with no direction, no father. However, when he listened to the voice of God calling and finally decided to allow God to be his father, it no longer mattered what he lacked in his upbringing. God became his father and began to raise him right. Someone shined a light that led him to the Father. That light was not a flashy sanctuary, a rousing message, someone turning up their nose at his sagging pants, someone pointing out his immoral lifestyle. Everything lit up when someone showed him the benefits of being adopted and raised by God. Then this young man began to seek the peace, strength, love and joy that result from a relationship with God. We have very many fatherless children. We must introduce them to the one father who can straighten them out.

Daddy is not a man. For the scripture says to call no man your father. Men fall. Men change their minds. Men make mistakes. God is constant. I have seen so many sad cases of people depending on others for spiritual strength and even protection. When these idols show themselves to be unreliable (which they inevitably will), the worshiper loses faith, becomes disillusioned and disheartened.

Daddy is not a job. For we have seen lately, jobs come and go. God knows that we need certain material things to survive. However, we are to seek the sole provider and allow Him to make provisions for us. Many of us have taken our eyes off the prize of peace and are searching for a piece of the pie. We are loosing our souls. Our children are vowing to get rich or die trying. So many are trying and dying in the process. Those who survive physically are just shells, corpses walking about the neighborhoods. They don’t know any other way. They don’t know there is a real prize.

So how do we reclaim our hold? It must begin with me. Each of us must resolutely choose God. We have to hold on with all our might and love Him with all our strength. We must genuinely and deliberately show the love of God to others. We must stop griping and gossiping about how dark the world is and shine the light.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Toward a More Perfect Union

Politicians have come to count on the fact that most Americans are stupid. The political game is played by people who have learned to use the masses as pawns. The concerns, beliefs and will of the people are mere sideline issues. The main objective of our elected officials right now is not to represent the will of the people. The main objective is to get elected and remain in office.

This is what most people believe. This is why most people stay out of the political process. They feel it is a waste of energy to vote, write elected officials, go to political meetings and activities or follow current events. It is a waste of time, some believe, because the politicians in power are corrupt. Many share the feelings suggested in the John Mayer song, “It’s not that we don’t care. We just know that the fight aint fair.”

Watching the so-called town hall meetings on health care reform, it appears that Americans are beginning to get into the fight. However, some say these participants are only offering hate-filled speech, coaxed by politicians and lobbyists.

Currently, the strategy for the political game is division, extreme division. Leaders are playing on the fears, emotions and ignorance of the American people. Leaders should be educating the electorate so that the people can make informed decisions. Instead, leaders are giving out partial and misleading information to scare people and incite them to the point of protest.

Journalism is known as the fourth branch of government. Journalists are supposed to watch politicians and hold them up to be accountable to the people. However, these days, it’s hard to tell who is a journalist and who is a political player. The result is the American people are becoming more and more divided. People are not referring to America as our country. Instead they are asking, “What are they doing to my country.” It is all about us and them.

Lincoln said shortly before the Civil War (paraphrasing a quote by Jesus) a house divided against itself can not stand. Instead of our leaders bringing us together, they are encouraging division for the sake of political gain in ideological battles. Sure, unity does not mean no differences of opinion. But it does mean we work together to settle differences for the best interests of the whole. Our leaders need to stand up and lead our country. Our citizens need to be educated not played. Why don’t true news organizations sponsor roundtable discussions where we can hear from all sides? Now the populace is being duped by infomercials. It looks like news. The talking heads look like journalists. Thus, the people are totally confused. If we the people gain the knowledge, we won’t be so susceptible to being provoked by extremists. We could then have meaningful discussions. Then the political players would have to factor in the will of people for real.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Racism for the New Millennium

Just recently, a local Church’s restaurant was closed down. The speculation is that it was closed due to health code violations. They are getting ready to reopen under new management. Comments I have heard regarding this are:

“You know black people flooded it. I know they are going to be happy it’s back open.”
“You know they had a bunch of black people working up there before. That’s why it got closed down.”
“They had a black man running it. Black people can’t ever run anything right.”

It is sad and hurtful that in 2009 such comments would be made about black people. We have worked and labored in this country for nearly 400 years. America and the world have benefited from our inventions, artistic contributions, business acumen and just plain hard work. What a shame that such racism would still exist today.

We have heard about the recent incidences with Henry Louis Gates, the Harvard scholar who got arrested in his own house. We heard about the little black children getting kicked out of the pool in Philadelphia.

These hateful comments about the Sanford Church’s are just one more example of racism in America. Right? Maybe. But probably not as one might think. These comments were made by black people. I’m not making it up. I heard this with my own ears coming from the mouths of people I love.

This local situation was jarring for me. It made me think about the circumstances of black people in America. I know many of us have analyzed the circumstances of the pool incident and the situation with Dr. Gates. So have I. These situations were very unfortunate. However, I do not believe they happened due to racism. Everything that happens is not because white people hate us or fear us or profile us or unfairly judge us.

Sometimes, a waitress in a restaurant is just rude. Sometimes a teacher in the class is just incompetent (or your kid just needs to study more). Sometimes the management at a country club gets greedy and overbooks the pool without thinking of the consequences. Sometimes two otherwise great people get caught up in a situation and handle it with emotions instead of reason.

I really don’t believe Officer Crowley is a racist. What most likely happened is Dr. Gates felt insulted and hurt by the fact that after all his wonderful work with racism in America, he was being questioned in his own home by a policeman for no good reason. Officer Crowley was hurt and insulted that after all his work with race relations in America, a man was standing there accusing the officer of racism. They then proceeded to have a battle of wills. Because the officer had the gun, Dr. Gates went to jail.

I am not by any means suggesting racism is over. I am just saying these situations, like many others, may not have been due to racism. In fact, I am sure, just like in the Church’s situation, our major battle to fight is not against racism from whites, incidental or institutional. Our battle is the racism that prevails in our own minds.

If we believed in our own intelligence, beauty, and ability, we would speak and act accordingly. Today, more often than whites, we call each other nigger, black and ugly, nappy headed, etc., etc. I have heard it said from black people when other black people move into a neighborhood: “You know, it’s sad to say but I know this neighborhood is going down because more of us are moving here.” As my Grandma Harriet use to say, charity begins at home and spreads abroad. Let us love each other, lift each other up, teach each other and believe in each other. If you say... You know how black people are... and you are black, just think about what that must mean…. That’s all.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson: A National Treasure

Some might describe the emotion and attention in response to Michael Jackson’s death as idol worship. It is not. It is simply love. Love for our brother who represented the best in us. Our talent. Our work ethic. Our durability. Our resilience. Our transcendence. Love for our brother who represented the worst in us. The pain. The insecurity. The self loathing. The self doubt. He danced the greatest dance. He sang the greatest song. He simply was and will always be the greatest entertainer to have ever lived. He was family. So as a family member, we grieve him. We celebrate him. We will always remember him. We will always love him. We have always loved him. My only regret is that we waited, like we so often do, until our spirits were so moved by his passing to say it. Please, let us learn now, to say it now. Treasure our treasures with a loud voice while they walk among us. Appreciate our gifts right now, everyday. For life is but a vapor and if we wait too long, they will be gone far too soon.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

America the Beautiful

America is still the greatest country on earth, not because we are smarter, carry the biggest stick or are the most moral. We are the greatest because we have allowed ourselves to dream (and pursue) the greatest collective dream. God put a dream in everyone. However, American citizens are guaranteed the right to pursue happiness. What is going on in Iran now is a prime example of why we should be proud to be Americans.

This pursuit, however, takes work. It has been a work in progress since exactly 232 years ago when America declared that all are equal under God. I highlight the phrase “work in progress” because we all know all men did not have equal rights in 1776. Some would say all men still don’t. My point is that the ambitious dream and audacious hope of America is incomparable.

The war for Independence was fought not just because America was being mistreated and disrespected by the British. The Declaration of Independence was not just written so that American colonists could get out of paying taxes. It laid down a blueprint for the pursuit of happiness. The forefathers devised a plan for a government like no other. We would be a government run by the people. We have never had a king. The design of our government is that we should elect people from among us to represent us. Then we are to hold them accountable, making sure they are really representing us well.

Here is where we drop the ball. First of all, a pitiful amount of us even vote. Then those who do vote just vote based on what politician is talking the loudest or has the most money to throw at a campaign. Then when they get in office we just let them do what they want until it’s time for them to run again. They come back to our churches and festivals, with their flyers, signs and empty promises. Then we send them right back to do nothing. Of course, there are some elected officials who really work for the people. But how would we know it? We’re not paying any attention.

I know our lives are busy. We often don’t have time to research every issue in depth. However, we can do something. If each of us takes just a little time to do what we can, we would see a change in American politics.

When Barack Obama became president, it was proud day for many Americans. We weren’t proud just because he is black. We should also be proud because Barack Obama was the most democratically elected president in the history of our nation. Until 1965, many were prohibited from voting. Still, years later, there are reports of voter tampering. The most painful realization though is many just don’t vote. However, during the election of 2008, there were record turnouts all across the country. Let’s not stop the momentum.

President Obama is not King Obama. We still have a government of the people, for the people, by the people. I’m reminded of the Bible story when the Israelites begged God for a king. God gave them what they wanted. The results were war, chaos, scandal and oppression. The Bible also says we are to be subject unto the higher power. In America, guess who that is. It is us. We have a lot of work ahead of us. Economic crisis, war, health care reform. The list goes on. This is not all up to President Obama. He didn’t start this fire. His professed goal was to lead a truly democratic government with all the people giving input. In fact, President Obama set up Organizing for America for just that purpose. However, we're being silent and waiting for “them” to fix this thing ASAP. Get involved, read the paper, don’t just depend on the politicians to do it. It’s our job. We are the higher powers. Let us use it to make a change.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Juneteenth: A Recollection of Redemption

If you ask any student of American history who freed the slaves, the reply will most likely be, “Abraham Lincoln." However, upon a closer look at history, it is clear that Abraham Lincoln did not actually free the slaves. Not only because technically the war had not ended and slavery was pretty much still in effect for another two years after the Emancipation Proclamation. Not even because even after the 13th Amendment officially declared slavery in the United States illegal in 1865, blacks were still enslaved by unjust laws and codes that denied civil rights.

Some would say, “Okay then, African Americans were freed by marches and boycotts and speeches and protests and such." Look closer still and see that Abraham Lincoln did not free the slaves, because the slaves were already free.

Bearing the pain of the whip and the lash, they were free. Working long, cruel, unjust, unfair hours with no pay, they were free. Having their sons and daughters taken and sold, free. Women raped, free. Men emasculated, free. No education. No civil rights. No human rights. Through all this, the black man in America somehow knew he was still free. Free because God said he was free. Free because deep in his heart, he knew he was free. Free because no whip, no shackles, no segregation, no dogs, no fire hoses could strip away this human birthright.

The gospel of freedom has been proclaimed by blacks since they arrived in chains. It is in the spiritual, the sermons, the poetry, the dance, grandma’s old sayings, and granddaddy’s quiet strength. There is a moral fortitude that comes from knowing, as the song use to go, “This joy I have the world didn’t give to me. The world didn’t give it and the world can’t take it away.”

Barack Obama became president in 2008 and even that didn’t make black people free. It didn’t change the reality of racism and oppression. In fact, organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center have found a rise in hate crimes, hate speech and hate groups since the election. Just recently, security guard Stephen Tyrone Johns was killed at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. However, evil has and will always be present. Our ancestors knew not to fear evil. So should we.

Our fear should be the detachment from the reality of the force that kept us going for almost 400 years in America. The fear should be that we may be losing our grip. That we are failing to pass down our birthright. Let us not become fooled by an illusion of freedom as seen on MTV Cribs or Access Hollywood. Granddaddy’s moral fortitude and Grandmama’s insights are the true valuables that have to be transferred to coming generations. Our freedom lies in these.

Let us celebrate Juneteenth, reminding each other of our source of freedom, reinforcing our value of faith, love and truth. Let us take time to remember and appreciate how far we have come. Let us give thanks to who brought us this far. Let us proclaim that we have a reason and a right to hope.

Make no mistake. Faith without works is still dead. However, faith must be the foundation for fruitful work. Then we can educate our young and free our minds. This will lead to economic, political and social freedom. This is an Emancipation Proclamation. You are free to leave the plantation.

Juneteenth History

The Juneteenth Celebration began in Galveston, TX in 1865 when the slaves there were given the message that slavery in the United States was outlawed. The Emancipation Proclamation had been given by Lincoln and ordered to go into effect on January 1, 1863. However, it was not a reality until General Lee surrendered in April of 1865. Major General Gordon Granger gave the order:

"The people of Texas are informed that in accordance with a Proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and free laborer."

The celebration of this occasion began to decline in the early 1900’s. However, during the Civil Rights Movement, the Juneteenth Celebration became popular again. It became an official state holiday in Texas on January 1, 1980.