NAACP National Activites
Seminole NAACP President Turner Clayton began the meeting by listing the national organization's plans for dealing with the verdict. The first step is to collect more signatures for the petition to bring civil rights charges against George Zimmerman. You can go to to find out more information and sign. The NAACP is also callng for a revocation of George Zimmerman's concealed weapons permit.
The NAACP will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington where Dr. Martin Luther King gave the historic "I Have a Dream Speech." On August 24th the NAACP will join in the commemoration of this landmark Civil Rights Movement event by gathering on the National Mall.
NAACP Local Activities
The Seminole County Branch of the NAACP is also planning some local efforts. There will be a march during the fist week of August. The branch will also be looking into allegations that there was jury tampering in the George Zimmerman trial. There have been charges that the jury was not completely sequestered during the trial. There will be town hall meetings held monthly to update the community on progress toward justice. President Clayton also announced that there will be annual commemoration events for Trayvon Martin. Each year a prayer vigil will be held during the month of February to remember the life that was lost. February 5 was Trayvon's birthday. February 26th was the day he was killed by a grown man. Also, the branch is calling for economic sanctions each year on July 13, which is the date of the "Not Guilty" verdict.
President Clayton also gave out information on the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). This organization raises money to elect conservative candidates among other things. One of the other things they have raised money for is the George Zimmerman Defense Fund. Many companies in which we spend our money belong to ALEC. The NAACP suggest that we stop spending our money with organizations that actively (and blatantly) work against us. By giving our money to these companies, we are supporting ALEC. Companies like Wal-Mart, McDonald's, Amazon and Coca Cola have pulled out of ALEC. Companies like AT&T, State Farm, Yahoo, Pfizer and Time Warner Cable disrespect us and show that they do not value us or our hard-earned money by supporting a cause that we have demonstrated so passionately against. You can go to to find a list of all of the companies that are still a part of ALEC.
Police Brutality in Sanford
Sanford released the killer of an unarmed teenager and literally the next day the Sanford police tased Samuel Fuller (an older African American man) in the head, causing him to have to be admitted into the hospital. The new Chief of Police, Cecil Smith, was at the meeting to bravely face the community. Smith said the tasing was an accident that occurred because the police officer and Fuller were both running. The community expressed support and said that they would be patient with Chief Smith. However, they by and large did not buy the excuse that this event was an accident. Many of the citizens said the police officers are trained to handle the taser gun. They also questioned whether pulling out a taser and chasing a man who was suspected of shooting dice was even called for. Not to mention, witnesses said Fuller was not even involved in the dice game but only a spectator. Many citizens want the Federal Department of Law Enforcement to investigate the SPD. They said they do support and trust Chief Smith. However, they do not trust many of the officers and staff who report to Chief Smith. Take a look at the pictures and judge for yourself.