Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Seminole County NAACP Vows to Stand Firm in the Fight for Justice

The Seminole County Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People held its 72nd Annual Freedom Fund Awards Banquet  on June 1 at the Sanford Civic Center.  The theme for the evening was "We Shall Not Be Moved."  Faye Henderson and Gospel Praise provided world class gospel and jazz entertainment throughout the evening. 

The guest speaker, Dr. Peola Butler-Jackson, asked the question, "From what are you not going to be moved?"  Dr. Butler-Jackson is the founder and president of DEWS Associates.  She is an international motivational speaker, lecturer, consultant and researcher.  She is passionate about community uplift and promoting world peace.  Her passion led her to Sanford, where she gave a fiery speech that was part pow-wow, part scolding and part history lesson.

Dr. Butler-Jackson started the speech by warning that the NAACP may not ever invite her back after hearing what she had to say.  She said that she was tired of "feel-good sessions" where everyone goes home and then back to the status quo.  Dr. Butler Jackson admonished the crowd that the African American community as a whole (and in Seminole County specifically) has some serious problems that need to be dealt with.  She said that the issues are so grave that "there is a coming generation that can take us back into slavery."  She mentioned the challenges of teen pregnancy, educational failure, and disproportionate prison rates.  She directed each listener to look in the mirror and ask, "What am I doing to make a difference?"

Dr. Butler-Jackson also warned the NAACP to fire up the younger members of the community to get involved, because "an organization that has more old people than young is a dying organization."

Turner Clayton, Jr., the branch president, answered Dr. Butler-Jackson's question, saying the branch would not be moved from its mission to make sure that all students receive a quality education and that all citizens are treated fairly under the law.  He said that the minority community of Seminole County will never go back to second-class citizenship and that there will be justice for all people.

Several awards were given to the community leaders of Seminole County.  Gloria Cummings received an award for earning "Life Member" status in the NAACP.  Pastor Valerie Houston (Allen Chapel AME Church), Pastor Lowman Oliver (St. Paul M.B. Church) and Dr. Velma Williams (Sanford City Commission) were presented with presidential awards for their dedication to bringing about justice for Trayvon Martin. Clayton was presented with the "Earl T. Shinholster Through the Storm Award."   This award is given by the Southeast Region of the NAACP, which consists of the states of Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi,Tennessee, South Carolina, and North Carolina.

If you would like to become a part of the Seminole County Chapter of the NAACP, you can call (407) 328-7496 or send e-mail to naacp-seminole@prodigy.net.  You can join or get more information at www.naacp.org.