Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sanford Lofts Becoming a Hot Topic: Let's Stay Focused

The piece that ran in the Sanford Herald on the Sanford Lofts was never intended as a letter to the editor. I wrote that as a blog entry for my community, friends and family. I sent a link to my post to the Sanford Herald, because nothing but oppositional pieces had been written about the Sanford Lofts. I wanted to show that there was support for the project. The reporter also wanted to run the piece to show the other side of the argument. I never expected the anger and venom that came as a result.

I would like to clarify that I never said the Sanford Lofts issue is a race issue. In fact, I couldn’t care less whether the people who are against it are racists, classists or elitist. That does not matter one bit. It doesn’t even matter that those who spoke up against the project at public meetings made racists, classist and elitist comments. (Though they certainly did.)

What matters is that our local governments have not come out to explain why they are not moving on this project. In fact, at the last city commission meeting, commissioners would not even listen to those in support of the project. I don’t expect an explanation from any of the citizens as to why they don’t want the Sanford Lofts project downtown. I don’t know any of those who spoke at the meetings or wrote in response to my blog post. With all due respect, their personal beliefs don’t really matter much to me at all. But I do expect an explanation from the local government to which I pay taxes. Citizens have the right to be racist, classist and elitist. However, our government does not have the right to base its decisions on prejudice.

Florida SPECS owns the property downtown. They have the right to build whatever they want, unless the City of Sanford and Seminole County give good reasons why this property owner can not go forward. So if our governments have other reasons for being against the project, they need to state them. This was the purpose of my blog post.

Friday, August 19, 2011

County & City Could Make Sanford Lofts Dream Homes for Senior Citizens a Nightmare

Minority companies and organizations are striving and making strides toward greatness in Seminole County. Unfortunately, in one case the powers that be (and who have always been) are working to block instead of promote this achievement.

Florida SPECS is a minority-controlled, nonprofit organization that is working to improve often blighted and underserved communities across Florida. They are based in Seminole County. The organization has been recognized for helping to improve the quality of life for people in Orange, Osceola, Volusia and Duval counties. However, it is in its hometown where it seems to be least appreciated, even unwanted.

The entire board of directors from Florida SPECS is from Seminole County. Most members are from Sanford. When an opportunity to serve in Seminole County came to the operators of Florida SPECS, they jumped at it, excited to finally give back to the community in which they lived and were raised. Seminole County received funding to build housing for low income senior citizens. They sent out an announcement asking various companies and organizations to send in proposals for the project. Florida SPECS won the bid to do what became known as the Sanford Lofts Project three years ago.

Once their plans were approved, they purchased the land and got ready to commence building. However, they have had nothing but contention and strife from some members of the staffs of Seminole County and the City of Sanford ever since. They were asked to change the plans numerous times. What seemed to be unnecessary requirements were put upon them. For example, they were required to purchase insurance for the land on which the housing is to be built, before anything has been built. However, they complied with all the rules and submitted to all the requirements. Even staff from the department of Housing and Urban Development (who oversees this funding provided to the County) said the requirement to maintain insurance on an empty piece of land is ridiculous. Florida SPECS used its own money to make all the changes and purchase the land and insurance.

Why such a hassle has been given to a hometown company is a mystery. When people suggested to the members of Florida SPECS that it might be because of the color of their skin, they balked. Even when a white former government official told them that their problems were due to skin color (and even offered to take over the project for them so that it would go through more smoothly), they didn’t want to believe that this would happen in the town that they love. Even when the former mayor, Linda Kuhn blatantly said that affordable housing would attract unwanted residents, the idealistic members of Florida SPECS didn’t want to sound any alarms that would damage the reputation of Sanford and Seminole County. Kuhn and others came to a public meeting held in April of 2011 to “voice their concerns” about the project. However, their “concerns” amounted to nothing more than a litany of elitist, racist and classist attacks against the Sanford Loft Project and the very people who built and live in Sanford. These citizens said that they did not want to attract seniors or low income people to downtown. Well, exactly who do they think might be visiting the farmers markets, stores and antique shops in downtown Sanford, rich teenagers?

Now the project is in jeopardy. A deadline is looming for Florida SPECS to meet with the Sanford City Commission. They have requested to be placed on the commission meeting agenda for months. They have received no communication regarding this request. No one is talking to Florida SPECS. However, the County and the City are talking to each other. And neither seems to want Florida SPECS or certain Sanford citizens to make any progress.

Florida SPECS was looking to put up a beautiful building that would enhance downtown Sanford and attract people of all ages, races and classes. Even though the housing would be for senior citizens on fixed incomes, it will be of high quality and well kept. Seniors have already been inquiring about the facility. These people are not riff raff to be kept out. They are hard working members of society who have given to the community already. They would just like a nice place to call home in their golden years. They would love to visit the farmers market on Saturdays. I’m sure their visiting children and grandchildren would too. However, if some in the City of Sanford and Seminole County have their way, the dream for our elders will die on Monday, August 22.

If you are in support of progress, contact your city and county commissioners. Let them know that all ages are welcome and wanted in Sanford. Also, you can attend the upcoming Sanford City Commission meeting on Monday, August 22 at 7 p.m.

Seminole County Commission

District 1 (407) 665-7215 Bob Dallari
District 2 (407) 665-7205 John Horan
District 3 (407) 665-7207 Dick Van Der Weide
District 4 (407) 665-7201 Carlton D. Henley
District 5 (407) 665-7209 Brenda Carey (Chairman)

City of Sanford Commission

Jeff Triplett, Mayor,
Mark McCarty, Commissioner, District 1,
Velma Williams, Commissioner, District 2,
Randy Jones, Commissioner, Dsitrict 3,
Patty Mahany, Commissioner, District 4