Monday, April 18, 2011

Central FL Women Proclaim: There is No Stopping a Woman of God

The women of Central Florida gathered in Sanford, FL for the Women's District Workshop. And when women gather for a positive purpose, the experience is bound to be transformative. The ladies who took part in this weekend conference certainly experienced a transformation of mind and spirit.

WDW is an annual conference hosted by Victory Temple of God, Inc. during the third weekend of Women's History Month. This year, the theme was "Reigniting Your Imagination and Journey of Faith." The coordinator, Alisa Grace, said she wanted the women to return to the dreams of their childhoods and believe that it is never too late for God to make those dreams come true.

Grace was a stay-at-home mom for 10 years. She got her education and went into the workforce after sending her five children off to school. She is now an educational leader in Orlando. She testified of her own story to show that even though dreams might be delayed, they don't have to be forgotten.

During the conference, there were workshops, lectures and discussions to encourage women to think about, talk about and be about realizing the contents of their imaginations. Other workshop facilitators were Deitra Askew and Dr. Sandra Gallina. Askew urged the ladies to think about what it was that made them stop dreaming. She also gave tips on how to overcome those dream-killers and revive aspirations that seemed long dead. Dr. Gallina talked about how we can gain inspiration and encouragement from stories, both real and fictional. She stirred the women to tap into their own life stories to gain inspiration.

The women spoke of their childhood fantasies of becoming doctors, accountants, lawyers and corporate executives. Hopefully, the conference will awaken their inner desires and strengthen their faith and sense of purpose.