Saturday, July 25, 2009

Racism for the New Millennium

Just recently, a local Church’s restaurant was closed down. The speculation is that it was closed due to health code violations. They are getting ready to reopen under new management. Comments I have heard regarding this are:

“You know black people flooded it. I know they are going to be happy it’s back open.”
“You know they had a bunch of black people working up there before. That’s why it got closed down.”
“They had a black man running it. Black people can’t ever run anything right.”

It is sad and hurtful that in 2009 such comments would be made about black people. We have worked and labored in this country for nearly 400 years. America and the world have benefited from our inventions, artistic contributions, business acumen and just plain hard work. What a shame that such racism would still exist today.

We have heard about the recent incidences with Henry Louis Gates, the Harvard scholar who got arrested in his own house. We heard about the little black children getting kicked out of the pool in Philadelphia.

These hateful comments about the Sanford Church’s are just one more example of racism in America. Right? Maybe. But probably not as one might think. These comments were made by black people. I’m not making it up. I heard this with my own ears coming from the mouths of people I love.

This local situation was jarring for me. It made me think about the circumstances of black people in America. I know many of us have analyzed the circumstances of the pool incident and the situation with Dr. Gates. So have I. These situations were very unfortunate. However, I do not believe they happened due to racism. Everything that happens is not because white people hate us or fear us or profile us or unfairly judge us.

Sometimes, a waitress in a restaurant is just rude. Sometimes a teacher in the class is just incompetent (or your kid just needs to study more). Sometimes the management at a country club gets greedy and overbooks the pool without thinking of the consequences. Sometimes two otherwise great people get caught up in a situation and handle it with emotions instead of reason.

I really don’t believe Officer Crowley is a racist. What most likely happened is Dr. Gates felt insulted and hurt by the fact that after all his wonderful work with racism in America, he was being questioned in his own home by a policeman for no good reason. Officer Crowley was hurt and insulted that after all his work with race relations in America, a man was standing there accusing the officer of racism. They then proceeded to have a battle of wills. Because the officer had the gun, Dr. Gates went to jail.

I am not by any means suggesting racism is over. I am just saying these situations, like many others, may not have been due to racism. In fact, I am sure, just like in the Church’s situation, our major battle to fight is not against racism from whites, incidental or institutional. Our battle is the racism that prevails in our own minds.

If we believed in our own intelligence, beauty, and ability, we would speak and act accordingly. Today, more often than whites, we call each other nigger, black and ugly, nappy headed, etc., etc. I have heard it said from black people when other black people move into a neighborhood: “You know, it’s sad to say but I know this neighborhood is going down because more of us are moving here.” As my Grandma Harriet use to say, charity begins at home and spreads abroad. Let us love each other, lift each other up, teach each other and believe in each other. If you say... You know how black people are... and you are black, just think about what that must mean…. That’s all.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson: A National Treasure

Some might describe the emotion and attention in response to Michael Jackson’s death as idol worship. It is not. It is simply love. Love for our brother who represented the best in us. Our talent. Our work ethic. Our durability. Our resilience. Our transcendence. Love for our brother who represented the worst in us. The pain. The insecurity. The self loathing. The self doubt. He danced the greatest dance. He sang the greatest song. He simply was and will always be the greatest entertainer to have ever lived. He was family. So as a family member, we grieve him. We celebrate him. We will always remember him. We will always love him. We have always loved him. My only regret is that we waited, like we so often do, until our spirits were so moved by his passing to say it. Please, let us learn now, to say it now. Treasure our treasures with a loud voice while they walk among us. Appreciate our gifts right now, everyday. For life is but a vapor and if we wait too long, they will be gone far too soon.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

America the Beautiful

America is still the greatest country on earth, not because we are smarter, carry the biggest stick or are the most moral. We are the greatest because we have allowed ourselves to dream (and pursue) the greatest collective dream. God put a dream in everyone. However, American citizens are guaranteed the right to pursue happiness. What is going on in Iran now is a prime example of why we should be proud to be Americans.

This pursuit, however, takes work. It has been a work in progress since exactly 232 years ago when America declared that all are equal under God. I highlight the phrase “work in progress” because we all know all men did not have equal rights in 1776. Some would say all men still don’t. My point is that the ambitious dream and audacious hope of America is incomparable.

The war for Independence was fought not just because America was being mistreated and disrespected by the British. The Declaration of Independence was not just written so that American colonists could get out of paying taxes. It laid down a blueprint for the pursuit of happiness. The forefathers devised a plan for a government like no other. We would be a government run by the people. We have never had a king. The design of our government is that we should elect people from among us to represent us. Then we are to hold them accountable, making sure they are really representing us well.

Here is where we drop the ball. First of all, a pitiful amount of us even vote. Then those who do vote just vote based on what politician is talking the loudest or has the most money to throw at a campaign. Then when they get in office we just let them do what they want until it’s time for them to run again. They come back to our churches and festivals, with their flyers, signs and empty promises. Then we send them right back to do nothing. Of course, there are some elected officials who really work for the people. But how would we know it? We’re not paying any attention.

I know our lives are busy. We often don’t have time to research every issue in depth. However, we can do something. If each of us takes just a little time to do what we can, we would see a change in American politics.

When Barack Obama became president, it was proud day for many Americans. We weren’t proud just because he is black. We should also be proud because Barack Obama was the most democratically elected president in the history of our nation. Until 1965, many were prohibited from voting. Still, years later, there are reports of voter tampering. The most painful realization though is many just don’t vote. However, during the election of 2008, there were record turnouts all across the country. Let’s not stop the momentum.

President Obama is not King Obama. We still have a government of the people, for the people, by the people. I’m reminded of the Bible story when the Israelites begged God for a king. God gave them what they wanted. The results were war, chaos, scandal and oppression. The Bible also says we are to be subject unto the higher power. In America, guess who that is. It is us. We have a lot of work ahead of us. Economic crisis, war, health care reform. The list goes on. This is not all up to President Obama. He didn’t start this fire. His professed goal was to lead a truly democratic government with all the people giving input. In fact, President Obama set up Organizing for America for just that purpose. However, we're being silent and waiting for “them” to fix this thing ASAP. Get involved, read the paper, don’t just depend on the politicians to do it. It’s our job. We are the higher powers. Let us use it to make a change.