Friday, January 4, 2008

Obama's Win in Iowa: A Reason to Believe

If ever there was a reason to hope, Barack Obama’s victory in Iowa last night is one. If any person had any reason to give up, Obama did. All the political pundits said he could never rise above the so-called Clinton machine. His own people chose Hillary Clinton as the best person to speak for them. Many said Obama was too young, too inexperienced, too black. But something inside him and his supporters made them keep believing in and working for what others could not see. That something is hope.

And so a junior senator from Chicago who started with little name recognition, little Washington experience, little money and little clout inspired millions of people to gather themselves behind him and his vision for change. They united together under the cause of America’s greatest promise, the promise that anyone who has the passion and work ethic can rise up and accomplish anything.

In his victory speech, Obama spoke about the founding fathers who against all odds rose up to overcome the oppression of the British. He also referenced those freedom fighters in the 60s who faced vicious dogs, angry mobs and the threat of death to win justice, liberty and the hope for America’s promise for all people. They were able to keep going, not because they had the greatest resources or physical forces among them. They kept going because of the inner strength that propelled them. Martin Luther King called this soul force.

The Iowa caucuses are considered important because they are the first true test of a candidate's chances. However, this victory is important because it is evidence that the power of faith is greater than the power of fear. It is important because it reminds African Americans that the greatest force is soul force. It is important because it gives America a reason to be proud again, because as Obama said in his victory speech, it is the moment that America remembered how to hope.